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Make my night

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 4leaf, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. #1 4leaf, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2012
    so guys, in about an hour i'm going to eat a pot brownie that a friend made for me. it has the size of a dollar (or bigger) and for the whole batch he used 7.5g

    what do you fellow blades suggest to me to do ??

    i cant go outside because it's raining pretty badly and it cold. i have a good computer and i was planing to download minecraft and play in GC server.

    also i will post every 20 minutes and tell everybody how i'm going and what i'm doing

    Dear Diary :

    . it's 10.51 PM and i'm eating the brownie while downloading minecraft

    .It's 03.39 AM, couldn't keep my promise, but i'll resume everything i did.

    started over again the modern warfare 3, did a few chapters, two of them without dying in veteran, then listenede to some music, while playing portal 2 co-op and finished ( OMG FUCKING LOVED IT )
    Made a tortilla and some toasted bread with nutella .

    well, rate my night (?
  2. you probably wont get high
  3. you can always try jacking off

  4. Have fun my man. :)
  5. idk sounds fun to me. probably more of an edibles question cuz ive never tried em, but brownies cant be too different from smoking. just do normal stuff
  6. jack off like previously stated, play modern warfare 3 or invite a friend over and play madden, browse GC, eat munchies and watch a movie, then sleep
  7. i have already completed modern warfare 3, but i could try it all again or play some borderlands or Alice in Madness (games that i have right now), which movie do you suggest to see ?? yesterday i saw The Wall, so today i think i want to watch something funny :hello:
  8. [quote name='"4leaf"']

    i have already completed modern warfare 3, but i could try it all again or play some borderlands or Alice in Madness (games that i have right now), which movie do you suggest to see ?? yesterday i saw The Wall, so today i think i want to watch something funny :hello:[/quote]

  9. Yea dude play multiplayer!!!!

    But If you have netflix just pick a random movie they have some gems

    Otherwise I'd say any adam sandler movie from the 90's, movies with seth rogan, and movies with jona hill or whatever his name is.
  10. i can't play ultiplayer because i didn't buy the game. next month i'll buy battlefield 3 (i have that one too but pirate ) :(
  11. [quote name='"4leaf"']i can't play ultiplayer because i didn't buy the game. next month i'll buy battlefield 3 (i have that one too but pirate ) :([/quote]

    Hahahaha oh shit. Just play it anyways.
  12. ahah i'll play it fo'sho , dont worry haha
  13. started over again the modern warfare 3, did a few chapters, two of them without dying in veteran, then listenede to some music, while playing portal 2 co-op and finished ( OMG FUCKING LOVED IT )
    Made a tortilla and some toasted bread with nutella .

    well, rate my night (?
  14. I would have to rate your night pretty low on the scale if you sat at home alone and decided to post what you were doing the whole time GC. Sorry to be a dick lol but it sounds like a boring night at home.
  15. i was not entirely alone, i played with some friends online.
    it's raining as fuck here, there's no way to get out of this house.
    and yeah , it wasnt one of the best, but i had a good time anyways lol

  16. It's raining here too :mad:
    Where do you live? :smoke:
    I just smoked and it's not easy to keep a joint dry :p
  17. ahah you are from washington right ? hjahaha i'm from argentina, and yeah its not easy, but it's kinda cool to walk under the ray with an umbrella smoking a joint, while all the people sleep in their beds
  18. Looks like you had a Hella good night man, I love me some MW3/and Portal. Plus Rep
  19. thought you were gonna check back every 20 mins and tell us about the this thread failed.

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