Major Religious Texts

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Sam_Spade, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. care to share what this approach is?

  2. you were given a body and a mind...use them both;):smoking:

    (yes i know thats an extreme oversimplification)
  3. iv read nearly the entire bible, just not some of the smaller books at the end of both testaments so then iv also read the torah

    iv read the tao te ching many times amazing book

    iv read the bhagavad gita [hindu]

    iv read some the dhammapada and diamond sutra [buddhism]

    i just gotta read the Koran i guess... lol jk fuck them sand ******s

  4. did it really block ******s? why cant i say ******s? only a ****** would want to block the word ******s, buncha ******s

  5. lmmfao!:laughing:

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