Major problem

Discussion in 'General' started by dav3290, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. I feel like toking up tonight but I left my stash jar in my roommate's room...who locked his door and is now sleeping. Should I bust in with a screwdriver and grab the stash, knock loud enough to wake him and grab it, or be sober tonight and wait till another time? :confused_2:
  2. Kick his ASS
  3. If your roommate tokes I would wake him up.. If he does not toke I would save it for another day.
  4. ^ What he said.

    Or try the screw driver, but do it really quietly...
  5. well.. do u have a long night ahead of you? can you sleep right now? does ur rommy blaze? and if so, will he blaze ur stash before waking you up? orr, how fast could you get that shit and pack a bowl in?? o_O

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