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Major problem

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Qual, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. My buddy just bought this nice $30 bong. He asked if he could keep it at my house since I have a nice stash spot and I told him its fine. Well Hes at work and I have about a dimebag left and I just wanted to take some rips from the bong. As I took the bong out i went to take out the slider but it was stuck in the stem. So Im like wtf? So stupid me thinking I can just pull the slider out of the stuck stem, I crack the glass from pulling to hard. now it didnt fall apart and there isnt a huge gash, but you can totally tell it got cracked. Is it possible to tape it up on the sides and still have it work or did I totally fuck it up? I was thinking of saying that it must of broke when my other friend had put it away but that would be a dick move.

    Help me out GC
  2. Tape + Bong = no. $30 bong couldn't of had a nice slide though so $5-$15 should be able to replace it.
  3. The bong is cracked by the slider so I would imagine I would need more than $15. By cracked I mean you can flick at the cracked part and there would be a small hole. What should I tell my friend?
  4. Oooh the bong itself is cracked by the slider... uhh I don't know what you should tell your friend. You did crack his bong though, I think you know what you should do ;)
  5. Fuckin A I need a job.

    Thanks Smoky.
  6. 30$ nice can it offense..if its not able to be used anymore..give him 30$ if u feel like doing the right thing. My first bong was 40$ and its small. Nothing fancy at all dont even really use it anymore now that i got a nice bubbler.
  7. Ooh, bummer.
    I think you're gonna have to replace that bong (or give him $30).
    Seems like the right thing to do :)
  8. Man up, dont blame it on another buddy when you know you did it. He took the risk of leaving it there, but you also did it. If you have 30 available then buy him another, if you dont have anything and you guys are close he probably wont be too angry with you. thats what happens to 30 dollar bongs.

    Try to compensate him in some way.
  9. a nice 30 dollar bong XD lol just buy him another one
  10. you brake it, you buy it....:eek:
  11. I dont mean to offend you or your friend but 30 dollars isnt much of a 'nice' bong in terms of its durability. Although while being accident prone, it was your carelessness that broke it, you own him an apology, a few bowls of your stash(a good way to ease your way to soften up the tension), and 30 bucks.

    if you're good friends then he should understand and be cool with it. friendships are a lot tougher than 30 dollar glassware at least.
  12. ya seriously $30 what? I tend to agree I don't consider a bong like nice until it reaches like $150. OMG was in NY the other day and saw some sick bongs straight from amsterdam for like $200 but I live w my rents still :rolleyes: Shoulda seen the bowls on these things like wow. I <3 cannabis
  13. I was going to suggest using some type of adhesive, but that probably would kill you.
  14. I would suggest just coming out and telling your friend the truth about what happened, and if he is a good friend it won't really matter. Just pay to fix it and move on.
  15. yea i would just tell your friend that you broke it on accident it shouldn't be a big deal being that its only 30 bucks and can be easily replaced
  16. Update....

    I told him and he didnt care at all lol. Thanks everyone.
  17. Buy him a nicer, new one.
    Can't go wrong there.
  18. Spark him up on some bowls, and offer to pay for a new piece. That'll work!

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