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Magnetic herb

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by drsuess, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I dont know if this has happened else or not, but when i load my bowl with a credit card, the herb sticks to it. Not like a glue stuck, rather a magnetic stuck. What does this mean?
  2. static? sticky icky?
  3. static.
    that or you herb has iron in it.
  4. uhh... I didn't know weed was magnetic try and use it like a refrigerator magnet :)
  5. if you had the weed on the credit card, it's just the weed being all sticky. if the weed went to the credit card, toss it

  6. lol thats some fucked up weed
  7. Chernobyl Kush
  8. Dude I dont think you should be smoking magnetic herb. Best to get that shit checked out in my lab, so send it over.
  9. This. Especially if your weed is dry, and the air is dry. Just like rubbing a balloon on a nylon and sticking it to the wall; nothing is actually magnetic, its static cling.
  10. most likely jus sticky=] its happened to me before
  11. lol. Credit cards don't attract ferrous particles. It's static charge, the card's plastic.
  12. its static. and it may also be some sticky icky. how did u come to the conclusion that if it sticks to you credit card it would be magnetic? non of my credit cars have metal on them

  13. I think because they have a "magnetic strip" on them. However, it's just some iron (ferrous) particles arranged like a barcode. It doesn't create a magnetic field large enough to attract anything. Just barely enough to be read by the card readers.
  14. Got one word for you bro, Dank.
  15. ohhh i see makes sence now

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