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Magic Flight Launch Box

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuddhistBrian, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. I have been doing some Internet research and I have taken interest in the MFLB...

    But I don't have a credit card to buy this device :( but I have a few head shops in my area!

    Do head shops sell MFLBs? Would they order one upon request?
  2. They will if they are any good. Or you can get a prepaid credit card.
  3. Take a look on some of the online shops and see if they have a money order option. When I bought my PD that's the option I used atleast. The downside is that it takes that much longer to get because it takes just as long for the company to get your money as it does for the LB to get to you.

  4. MFLB is only sold online in a few places as far as I know.

    Just get a prepaid card from the bank, needs to be one of those kind where you register an address, then you can buy with it online.

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