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magic flight launch box disappointment

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheZodiac, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. i recently purchased the magic flight launch box and well ive gotta set a bit of a let down, considering how many great reviews there are on here.

    ive used it probably liike 3-5 times and have only felt really high once.
    (and the one time i did the air was really hot)

    ive been following the instructions of the wiki

    are there any recommendations? is it possible mine is defective?

    Charge the AA NiMH battery.
    Fill the trench with dry, ground material (the drier the herb and the finer the grind the better) but don't tamp it down.
    Push the battery all of the way in and begin drawing fairly slowly after about 3 seconds.
    Draw on the Box for 10 to 20 seconds and then remove the battery. Don't forget this. Ever. You will ruin the trenchful of herb and cross over from vaping to smoking. (Note: new models come equipped with a push-back ring for the battery, so that the battery will lose contact when pressure is released. This ring can be removed if so desired.)
    Shake the Box or stir the trench between hits.
    Connoisseurs always use a fresh battery. However, if you want to squeeze more juice out of a weakened battery (i.e. any battery that has been used once, per Magic-flight) and feel like a smaller trench anyway, you can safely under-fill the trench as well. Mileage will vary as to battery strength/health.
    Repeat! :D
  2. look at micro hitting from the wiki. 2 lazy to post it.

    If your not getting high your not using it right rofl. hold in the vapor remember that.

    How much are you packing in? somebody was talking to me about the same thing yesterday and realized he was expecting to get high off of so little. He put more weed in there after i talked to him and told him to use the microhit technique and he said he got BLAZED. do not over fill the trench though

  3. ive been filling it to the rails with good medical bud.

    and i guess i cant try giving that a shot
  4. Here is how i do it man.

    Follow loading instructions as you posted, as finely ground as possible, fill to top of trench.
    Use a charged battery, unless just vaping a TINY bit....
    However holding for 3 seconds before hitting, i expand to holding until the screen has a layer of vapor on it, usually taking from 5-8 seconds. Then start the draw semi quickly as to cool the hot air thats going to be in the trench already hitting your mouth, but slow down very quickly, after a few seonds of drawing, stop. But keep the battery pressed in, for 1-2 seconds, to reheat it, then repeat the process. and of course, remove the battery about a second before you finish, so the extra air cools it, and semi clears it so no vapor is wasted/left behind

    It sounds like a lot of work, but its not, and people generally draw quicker to begin anyway naturally without noticing.
  5. Just smoked a trench. I feel great, so yeah. :smoking:

  6. In the middle of a trench of meltdown, in my p/u thread if you wanna scope hahahahahahha
  7. Yeah I warm it up 5-10 seconds, or basically until the window gets nice and foggy

    And OP, you may not get baked off the LB...I know I just get high, I just can't seem to get super high off the LB....but then I grab my sheldon and everything is alright :)

  8. this guys the mofo champ right here lol.
    just had a mix of gdp + pineapple express and i used this method. had 1 trench and im really high right now :D
  9. Haha, what he posted is the regular way of hitting it :smoke: So then i guess you werent hitting it right. What were u doing before then o.0? i am mindfucked. im so blown from the MFLB right now haha
  10. my mflb gets me baked as fuuuck i love it i use micro hiting or take huge slow drags from it and zero it

  11. hahaha nope before i was putting the battery in for like 3 seconds and hitting, and getting a tiny bit high.

    this time i would go like 7-10 till i could see some then hit it, and im really blazed.
    as borat would say * GREAT SUCESS* lol
  12. i let it sit for 5 secs til i see vapor in the tube than i star to suck slow or do micro hits
  13. I am proud :)! haha

  14. im really glad i asked on here otherwise i might have gone out and spent $200+ to get a vaporizer . now i can spend that on buddah haha.
  15. Confused the fuck out of me, since theres a vape called Da Buddha Vape :)

    But i know you meant some BUD :smoke:
  16. Start hitting after about 5 seconds... draw for like 5 or 6 seconds very gently... then wait another 3 or 4 seconds and repeat.

  17. haha yeah thats right, the funny thing is that the vaporizer i was thinking about buying is da buddha vape hahahah
  18. I read a lot of shit about people not getting good hits on the mflb, and they all say they hold for 3 seconds then go, and in all reality, the mflb is nice because you can get it to temps above just the point of THC, even tho you wont really know when it is, if you hold it for 8 seconds before you go, your gonna get a specrum of cannabinoids where as lots of table tops vapes you set at the temp just to vape THC or right above it and since its exposed to the heat for longer it tastes SO much more popcornish... hahahaha

  19. haha yeah wtf is up with that, gotta wonder why it tasted like bad popcorn lol

    btw you avatar is a trip when your high, i can figure it out what it is hahaha :D:hello:
  20. lol its me in a tie dye shirt leaning in over the camera on my laptop accidentally taking a picture, then inverting the colors hahahahaha

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