Magic Flight Finishing Grinder/extremely fine grinder for Pax

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by undertheshade, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Heyo!

    So I'm starting to think that having an extremely fine grind consistency can really boost the efficiency of herb...I vaped an oven yesterday that was really finely ground (mostly the really small leftovers from my grinder) and tho it wasn't as full as usual I got extremely high...can anyone else attest to this?

    I have a Chromium Crusher grinder right now, which I really enjoy, but I'm thinking that the Magic Flight Finishing Grinder might be well worth it's price, if it causes such an increase in my high as it did the other day. Have any of you guys used this piece with the Pax, or any other vape, and found it to be particularly effective? Also, are there any alternatives out there??? The MF Finishing Grinder is $40, pretty steep if you ask me.

    And yes, I do know the trick with grinding upside down. I agree, that helps get a finer grind, but it could still be much, much, finer.

  2. Honestly, it seems like you're looking for a powder. I would save $35 and buy a nice $5 pestle and mortar

  3. Interesting, do you think this would be a good idea? That sounds like it might be perfect...I could grind it first, still save the kief in the grinder, and then make it nice and fine with a mortar and pestle...hmmm....

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