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Magic Bullet : Magic Buster Or Busted ?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CulterCult, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. HeY All
    So my question goes out to anyone who has used, seen or just knows of the magic bullet.

    I have used it to grind my herb and obviously it chews it up finer than Maxwell house does coffee, I have noticed it separates a lot of Crystal which is pretty sweet for smoking bong, but it makes for a pain when rolling.

    Opinions? Questions? Stories?

    The first bong i ever smoked was a crystal packed bowl of pure Crystal out of the Magic B' Absolute worst high ever, It felt as if I was constantly Resetting and my entire body was so tense I couldent piss. years later im more immune but i still never what to hit that high again,
  2. Uhh...isn't that the blender with the aussie guy and gal like "Just throw in a little chicken, mayo, and apples and BAM! You got yourself a homemade chicken salad sandwich"

    Sorry... this is sort of a random ass thread and not really too sure about the purpose.
  3. I wouldn't use a home appliance meant for chopping up food to grind my weed... thats why we have scissors. And, grinders.... if you're desperate ;]
  4. This thread is meant to get people talking about the magic bullet being used as a grinder much like it predisessor the coffee grinder.
  5. Considering it cost like 60 dollars I would just get a nice grinder with a kief catcher
  6. It costs more than a grinder and grinds the buds up wayy too fine. Since when did people grind bud in a coffee grinder? Seems like you would lose a lot in there.
  7. Grind you pot in one glass make delicious fruit smootie in the other cup it's a timeless investment. Lol good point though.
  8. Using a coffee grinder or other super fine grinding device makes sense if you vape (to maximize available surface area), but when smoking, choose the tool which works best with your smoking device choice-grinder, scissors etc.
  9. True enough, I have yet to use the bullet and my volcano together, should be a triumphant first!
  10. They're great for grinding herb, nothing wrong with using the bullet... if you want it more coarse,
    just don't grind as much ;) It takes the right balance of material in the cup, and a single tap of the
    grinder, to get it at a good grade for rolling.

    You can also use separate blade attachments and cups for grinding herb, than those that
    you use for processing food. :D

    It's certainly easy to over-do it if you plan on rolling with the material, they're very effective
    grinders, it just takes a few seconds to get your material fine enough for making loads of hash...
    here are a few shots from over the years, I use it for processing my frosty trim as well as buds for




    After just swiping my finger along the blade attachment...


    And after sifting through a few mesh screens....






  11. [​IMG]
  12. ^Badkittysmile's kitchen is such a magical place!:hello:

    (BTW, I've been a medical patient for a year and a half and had one, count em, one eatable. Being celiac really cuts down on the choices:()
  13. Badkitty ... Dude ..... thanks that was pretty cool to see
  14. YEE that just made this post.
  15. I like to touch the buds when I'm gonna roll a joint or stuff a bowl so I just use my fingers to prep. I grind my harvest leftovers with a cuisinart
  16. i've been using a coffee grinder for years, my whole family uses them and most of my friends as well. sure, there's a big layer of weed on mine, but i could get most of it off. also, i love smoking finely ground weed. it burns so evenly and perfectly, plus it's great in the vape.

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