so it comes out today. anyone whos never heard of it, its basically a fps war game and it supports 256 players at once. made by the developers of socom. anyway ive heard mixed reviews.. but most ppl say its fun im tryin to decide whether to drop 60 bucks on this game or just get mw2 (havent played it yet..sad i know) and for those of you who played the beta.. is this game worth getting?
Hey bud, I'm a fellow Ps3 gamer... And Yes! you should drop the 60 bucks on this game. I played the beta which was good but they made huge improvements on game.. Played it at a friends house and it was kickass! oh and by the way my gamer tag is Mezzanoman.
I tried it out for a little bit last night, its pretty fun but very chaotic (the matches I played anyways). I picked Raven. my psn is ballparkmanatee but I'm not on too often. Feel free to add me, just let me know that you're from GC.