Made up?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by toodistant, May 23, 2018.

  1. Anyone else think the bible was made up so we will all "follow the rules" and be "better people"?

    I grew up without church. My dad killed himself and my mom was distant to me and my sister. We started going to church around age 13, by then I had my own opinions etc. My mom turned full religious and now she is heavily. I am not. I've tried multiple different churches and tried to read some of the bible etc. I just cant believe it. I just think its a joke. And not a joke to look cool or something, but legit in my head it all seems like a damn made up joke.
    Anyone else feel this way?
    I'm not trying to fight anyone, all I have ever gotten is fights when I try to voice how I feel. Sigh lol Religion and politics, the worst things to talk about ever.
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  2. #2 vd420, May 23, 2018
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
    Feel like bible based on some truth but a lot of it could be bullshit. Like cain and able feels quite real at times while the flood with nova feels bit crazy but if magnetic field changes bible will be one accurate book wouldn't it. Then again every story has a beginning somewhere and most have a real one. I even kinda believe in david and goliath. My dad almost off himself with heroin but he called me when I was 16 found out he alive still and mother lied to me I was raised by another man who I thought was my dad most of my life.

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  3. #3 CBDBurner, May 23, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2018
    It’s a way to keep the weak in line and it also robs the poor. These days it’s used as a political tool as well.
    Everyone needs something to believe in to keep them going; money, sex, alcohol, drugs, religion, food, relationships, work etc.
    What keeps me going is the weekend, paydays, weed, and family. I wasn’t raised with religion but read the Bible in a cell multiple times only thing I got out of it was treat ppl right to make the world a better place.
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  4. Personally I believe its a book of lies end of story.
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  5. I think there is more to weak and order I feel like bible is really meant for only few people to be understood like pope for example.

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  6. I know ppl that live by the Bible and it’s weird to me. They seem happy because they believe there is something after this. Me I don’t care what’s after this I love physical pleasure drugs, alcohol, money, sex.
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  7. If one were to take the bible serious one would go mad...But to take the bible seriously, one must already be mad... No one really knows because none of us were around when Jesus was alive, it's you're decision if you want to believe or not believe, no one can say 100% either way if the bible is based on facts or fiction.
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  8. Nicely put yes
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  9. I think the bible consists mostly of fables that usually have some grain of truth to them, some fables that are total fabrications, and some truly historical pieces. Of course, translated and passed along as it has been, it has definitely fallen into a state of "telephone" where the truths are much more diluted that perhaps they once were.

    For example, I think the story of Noah's arc may have some truth to it. I definitely think at sometime, in some place of the world, over our massively expansive history not only as a species but as a planet, that there was a huge storm that washed what the people at the time perceived to be everything away. You have to remember - people in ancient times didn't know how large our world actually is, nor did they have the most exact tools for keeping maps and recording history. A tribe of people in a valley that is washed out by a storm might very well think that flood destroyed the whole world. And I wouldn't be surprised if one of those tribesmen were innovative enough to build a boat large enough to carry two of "every animal" (which might've been only a few goats, cows, chickens, dogs, and cats - animals typically seen in ancient agriculture - since those were very likely the only ones they saw, interacted with, knew, and didn't view as monsters or demons).
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  10. Many religions formed from hermetica so we need to start there.

  11. i have researched this topic for a long time in one way or another, I still dont think i know enough to have a strong opinion. I do suspect, at least that there is manipulation within the Bible, and that many believers believe things that are not truly what the bible says and don't believe some things it says. So even when you study the issue, it depends on how you view it.

    I dont think it is merely a joke, it has had a massive cultural and therefore historic influence. Clearly it resonates with people, for whatever reason, which warrants taking it seriously at least in that regard I think.

    Another thing to consider is the charity churches do and are enabled to do by the act of tithing. I do not agree with everything tithe money is spent on, but I do think teaching that sort of selflessness can be positive for people (admittedly many people tithe for selfish reasons too).

    Well that is something to think about.

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  12. #12 Alter2Ego, May 27, 2018
    Last edited: May 27, 2018

    Why do you think the Bible is "made up?"

  13. NorseMythology:
    Your suspicions about manipulation within the Bible depends upon which version/translation you are reading. Many of the modern day Bibles were translated by Trintarians who attempted to manipulate scripture to give the impression that Trinity is a Bible teaching. Of course, their efforts always fail when one pays attention to context (the surrounding words, verses, and chapters that are near the supposed Trinity verses).

    So yes, you are right when you state that "many believers believe things that are not truly what the bible says and don't believe some things it says."

  14. Everything comes from someplace, some truth, some way shape/form but has it been reshaped, rearranged, and manipulated in many ways to suit specific powers that be? Sure but if you learn to peek and read between the lines you will see truth in everything.
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  15. Everything is made up (in the mind of the beholder.)

    This Bible (whatever one read now) is a condensed, watered down translation/interpretation of many stories passed down over thousands of years... sure, politics/manipulation involved...

    But the words in the Book have survived... and they are exactly just words on paper, but the teachings in it are immediately real in whoever reads them right now... "Ours is the God of the living."

    Considering inherent unity of The Universe, whatever Book is the most well read and studied in immediate vicinity(eARTh) should be considered a gateway to understanding the collective spiritual academia manifest by our Karma.

    "Never feel alone, the entire Universe is inside you." -Rumi
  16. Lmfao keep pointing noses in your bibles its hernetica that matters here.

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