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Made a light bulb vape :D

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Nathan, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. #1 Nathan, Sep 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2009
    Ok I just made this. I will try it out in an hour or so.

    Attached Files:

  2. takes too long for me to get high but gl. Use the tip of the flame it's the hottest part.
  3. na thats a total waste of lighther fluid,light a candle to heat it instead
  4. I made one too. I got so super high. It totally fucked me up. I got wrecked. Its awesome!!!

    edit: light bulb vape sucks:wave:

    edit#2 OP where in WI?
  5. lol okay buddy. you use your candle and I'll use my lighter and let's see the stoner who drips wax on themself, freak out being lit, and drop the candle, being too busy rubbing the wax off forgetting about the candle, start a fire, holy shit at the fire, drop bulb, lose all bud and lose their home. Or I could just get blazed and have no problem. :B

    Helll yeah Wisconsin. Oshkosh here :)
  6. wouldn't you just put the candle on a table or something then put the vape over it?
  7. yea,thats what i was sayin,your not supposed to hold it up like a pipe :p
  8. I made one exactly like that. Not a fan
  9. Not a fan, buy a VaporBros. Or VaporGenie.

  10. Lol. thats a lot of descriptions for one event and one high.
  11. Haha yeah, this was shitty. Tastes like shit, the high sucked. No thanks,
  12. that looks nasty buy a legit one like vapor brothers or da buddha
  13. I smashed it and threw it away (kept the cap though). Piece of crap IMO.
  14. The first thing I smoked out of was this. I didn't get high cus it was my first time but this is the nastiest tasting mechanism ever created. It made me think weed tasted like shit always cus it was my first time. I think it burned some chemical inside of the light buld even though I took the white stuff off with doesn't compare to a real vape though
  15. ^^^^^THIS TO THE 10000000000th Power!!!!

  16. i jus hit one of these yesterday the first times my frend had 1 and i absolutely loved it didnt taste or smell lik anythin and i was super ripped after 2 hits
  17. You're absolutely joking right??
  18. I agree. I made one once and loved it. I took about 4 rips or so and i remember feeling " like i'm sitting on a cloud of anti-gravity."

    I don't understand why everyone seems to hate them. I loved mine when i had it.

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