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Made a cop apologize to me after pulling me over *edited with paragraphs*

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pimpinatatl1, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. "Then to relieve the stress after the cop left, me and my new boyfriend started making out some more"
  2. Good story.

    Would have been better with paragraphs.
  3. great escape dude, im proud of you
  4. So your friend, who you told to shut up, set in motion the plan that saved you all. It was a nice plan though. I think you're lucky it worked
  5. Wow beautiful lie, because a cop wouldn't expect someone to fake homosexuality to get out of something. but at least you got away.
  6. I'm semi surprised. Was able to read through that...I'm stoonneeeddd but neway your lucky as balls if this thing is true
  7. my eyes are sooo fucking red after reading your text hahahaha shittt... good story though.
  8. Added paragraphs and spaces
  9. good shit op with that punctuation.

  10. No your eye's are red from the cross joint in your pic :smoke:

    Great story OP, definitely going to be my back up plan...haha
  11. Lol im not surprised that worked...thatd be awkward as fuck for the cop...probably would work alot lol
  12. Like i was soo damn happy i got away from that shit i got away with something else to two weeks earlier. I caught two lucky breaks.
  13. Haha, your friend kinda saved you
  14. You're lucky he didn't make you two make out in front of him...
  15. things got weird when the cop then started removing his pants claiming we could "have a little fun"

  16. I dont think a cop can make you do that. Isn't that sexual abuse. Thats like asking someone to have sex with someone else to prove they arn't gay. Wouldn't make sense would it? :confused:
  17. Thank you for the paragraphs, read it this time =P
  18. Are you sure you guys weren't kissing?

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