Madden has a mode called Face of the Franchise. This is an explanation and what happened in my attempt. So Game starts, coach tells you he wants you to start. After this is character creation then you pick your college. The options are Clemson, Florida, Florida State, Miami, Oregon, Texas, Texas Tech, LSU or USC. This option doesn't matter, it just determines what you'll be wearing in the first two games. At this point you'll get a cutscene in which your coach informs you that the country's number 1 recruit is transferring to your school and is taking your job. Fast forward 4 years. It's the NCAA football championship semifinals. The starting QB is out so it's up to you to bring home the trophy. This is where you select your name and archetype. Archetype is extremely important. Archetype is part of what determines your beginner stats. You have an option for Strong Arm, Field General, Improviser or Scrambler. I recommend you do not pick scrambler, but we'll get to that later. Now, we'll introduce the supporting cast. Jack Ford: Jack Ford is your college coach. Isiah Streets: Isiah Streets is a junior receiver, he'll be your best option during the college games. Ezekiel Streets: Ezekiel Streets does not appear in the game, due to his passing of leukemia. This event drives Isiah to be the best receiver on the team. Emily Atwood: Emily Atwood is a girl with leukemia. She is a big fan of Isiah, and later becomes your biggest fan. Les Moore: Les Moore is a man who pretty much made you his client the second he found out you didn't have one. This guy might look like he cares about what happens to you, but what he's really doing is trying to use his cut of your profits to pay for a condo that he obviously wouldn't be able to pay for without you as a client. So then is a tutorial, then, after some encouraging words from Patrick Mahomes, you start the first game. After you win this game, you meet Emily Atwood and her father, and Emily challenges you to throw 4 touchdown passes in the final. You can accept or decline the challenge, but I don't know what happens if you decline or what happens if you accept and fail to throw the 4 passes. After the National Championship is the combine. You have an interview with the Giants, Dolphins and Jets. I'm not sure if this determines your draft position, but in my experience, it doesn't. You'll want to make a save point at this time. After the interviews, it's the combine where Les forces his services upon you and you need to show how well you can throw. This helps determine your stats. The amount of throws you complete out of 24 determines what position you'll be drafted, it might also determine what team drafts you. After this, you either get and invite to attend the draft, or you don't. If you're not invited, you fall to later rounds and your stats reflect that. If you do get invited, you'll be the 26th overall pick. There's a number of teams you can get drafted to. From my experience, it'll be the Dolphins, Bengals, Raiders or Buccaneers, however it will most likely be the Dolphins. So, you're on the Dolphins. You pick all your gear, then you start your first preseason game. And here's why a scrambler archetype isn't a good idea, especially if you get drafted by the Dolphins. So you start the game, and decide to pick a QB run play. Then, as you're looking through plays you quickly realize that the Dolphins don't have a single QB run play in their entire playbook. I suggest going with the Field General because the X-Factor abilities you have with that archetype are extremely useful. Now, I am going to start the game and report to you how everything turned out in the next post.
Guides will tell you that if you get invited to the draft you will be drafted by either the Raiders or Giants. This statement is a 100% bullshit lie. After going through the process 5 separate times, being invited to the draft of all those times, and all of those times was the same result. Drafted by the Dolphins. I'll try again to get a different team, but the way things are going now, this is probably going to be the last post of this thread.