I'm from New York and over here people say mad before words. for example: your mad gay that's mad sick that's mad lame we also say guy like hey guy or you fucking guy. Does anybody else in another state say the same or is it different in certain areas. Is there something you blades say that no one else you know does Please enlighten you fellow blades by sharing your unique Lingo in this thread.
what do you mean by that? my friend from ireland says class in stead of cool so he'll say "this is so class"
i actually got me whole town to start saying mad because of my friend on xbox live that was from new york
I meant that yes people do say it and its becoming popular since the "jersey shore" came out. thats cool ive never heard of class before
I've heard it randomly, but not like all the time. I live close to Pittsburgh so we say all sorts of stuff wrong. jano wah I mean? cool site > PITTSBURGHESE .com
Mad is ingrained in my speech and I love it. I was drinking with dudes from england once and EVERY time I used mad in a sentence they stopped dead and asked what the fuck I was doing...good times.
dude du dude dude! MAD!! parties arnt mad... their ANGRY! ahahahahahhah Where im from we just say Fuckin' to enhance somthing,
I was saying mad like...literally 5 years ago. I try not to say it anymore, I don't like that word. "Hella" is starting to really be in my vocabulary a lot more than it should...
it changes every fuckin year here in brisbane, we dont give a fuck, someone's coming up with new silly adjectives every day cuz we've got nothing else to do