Mad Scientist

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by RedDurbin, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Is this a good bong? I heard it was very fragile..I'm kind of new to this bong stuff but I would like to order one off of here. I'm really interested in percolators, but I'd also want an ashcatcher but it says there out of order will they ever restock? What I'm asking is what is my best option of bong that's less then $150 on grass city..
  2. some MS's are known to break with high bubbling velocity if that makes any sense.
    look around for other perc'd pipes IMO
  3. Yeah...illusion? are they any good?
  4. stay away from:

    -weed star

    all are shitty imported china glass that WILL suffer an untimely death.
  5. Their is nothing wrong with molino glass ..:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:
  6. is it legit 5mm glass?
  7. no. its chinese.
  8. The mad scientist is complete crap.
  9. i bought one on impules for the money i think i could have found soummin better but it not a horrible bong

    5mm at top but thins out to like 2-3mm on bottom bubble ive bumped and knocked the bottom bubble and its been fine also i got the malion ashcater and its been toossed up and hit the metal stove top not a ding and the long slide rolled off counter onto hard tile and it didnt crack at all but i bout a weedstar perc for it and it broke with a lil fall to the sink i dunno but the stock perc sucks and iff u dont have it the watcer shoot up at up so u gotta use ice the diffy holes are kinda high up also but the way i got mine set up it hits great so even tho i coulda done better ive seen so many do so much worse

    but i would look somewhere else with a better design

    weed star is cheap china import glass jus like you would find at ur average tobboca store but if u lookin for cheap and willing to take care of your glass or replace then go with some cheap glass itll save moneyy

    i would go with an ehle and a diffy and a ashcathcher itd be nice
  10. If you are looking for a nice bong in that price range from GC, i would say definitely go with the messiahs illusion. Everyone says weed star is cheap china glass, which it is, BUT, it is still pretty thick glass (you can even get it in 7mm). Besides that, it smokes pretty well and it doesnt have as much drag as people say. It looks pretty badass in person too ;D
  11. EHLE makes some of the the best affordable bongs, you should check them out.

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