
Discussion in 'Movies' started by MDC420, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. #1 MDC420, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    sup guys,

    any of you seen MACHETE? came out this year and is gettin pretty good reviews.

    for you that havent seen it, its got jessica alba, the chick from fast and furious, danny trejo, robert de niro, steven seagal.

    would highly recommend! great watch after a few hits of your glasspiece or a stinky stick.

    [ame=]YouTube - Machete 2010 trailer[/ame]
  2. i thought it was ok it was just way to unrealistic for me to be a fan of it

    just watching jessica alba in it made it worthwhile for me though plus theres alot of gruesome shit in it to
  3. Pretty good plot

    Really unrealistic at some points though

    8/10 IMO
  4. Of course it was unrealistic. It's not supposed to be realistic. :p



    I thought it was fuckin' hilarious.
    There were parts I wasn't a huge fan of. Specifically any scene with Lindsay Lohan and the whole "political message" aspect it seemed like they were trying to convey, but besides that I was very entertained. [​IMG]

    My favorite scene, without a doubt, was Steven Seagal's death scene. HILARIOUS.
    I hate Steven Seagal, cannot stand the dude, but man that was funny. :p

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