MacGyver Smokers

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by dachrons, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. #1 dachrons, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2011
    Alright so I dont know if thats what they call em where you live but here a MacGyver smoker is someone who can craft a smoking device out of anything. The most handy of stoners to have around. So this thread will be where you can post what you used and how you used it to elevate your mind.

    Ill start off with one of the device I made out of the least amount of supplies...

    So no one thought we were going to be able to smoke and we were just chilling and an old buddy introduces me to a new dealer so now we've got bud and quite a few people who want to smoke... only problem is we got nothing to smoke it out of. I had a pen cap and my friend had a piece of aluminum foil. I rolled the aluminum around the pen cap then shaped a bowl at the top he took his name tag from his job and poked some holes and I put the "stem + bowl" into the pen cap we successfully got 5 people ridiculously high:smoke:

    Love to hear your stories!
  2. McGiver- someone who puts their change in the donation box at McDonalds.
    MacGyver- Bad ass TV hero
  3. Thanks Ill have to make an edit!
  4. I've made a steam roller out of an empty toilet paper tube and aluminum foil :hello:

    Note: This topic should really go in Toking tools.
  5. I'm more like a macgruber smoker : )
  6. to answer the original question, I used to be but now I just prefer my real glass pieces. I do have a glass drill bit for the occasional bottle bong though :cool:
  7. Nice stuff! Ha yea I should have posted this in toking tools... ah well I made a steam roller out of a crayola marker tube and aluminum as well got us all fucked thoroughly haha another method my friend did was to take a water bottle and put aluminum foil where your mouth goes poke a few holes then with you lighter burn a hole in the bottle and hit that shit up :smoke:
  8. :rolleyes:[​IMG]
  9. one of my friends made a pipe out of a potato when we didnt have anything else to smoke with
  10. Hollowed out a carrot for a pipe and carved a bowl into it :smoke:

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