So this asshole kid who I thought was chill came over with my buddies with beer so I smoked him up we ran upstairs for food and didn't think anything of him staying downstairs (I was beyond blitted) so we chill in my room and then they go downstairs grab their shit and leave and I just went to bed after I go down and walk them out. So the next morning I wake up and go downstairs and my custom painted ps3 with inter cooler and mods is GONE. So after some questioning the only suspect is the kid who brought beer. So I don't say anything and we end up chilling at his house and swim in his pool. So I go into the house while everyone is outside and find my ps3 and the kids old MacBook (he has a new 15" this is a 13") which is apparently his moms (she has never used it -Fact-) so throw this in my bag with my ps3 because of this grimy ass kid who could easily afford his own ps3 since his dad own plumbing company. So my tech friend is over hear taking a look at it to see if it's safe to keep and there no iTunes account on it and I have the passwords because the hints were easy as fuck, there is no mobile me and his iPhone can't track the computer, is there any way for him to track it and is it safe to keep? He has stolen a friends iPods and bid from various people so I'm tired of this kids shit
I'm laughing my ass of at the fact that you got him back. Good shit man. But I don't think you can track it; just don't open any of their programs that they would be able to track the last IP opened from. I don't think that's really possible with most though. You're good. Fuck that kid.
I dont agree with you stealing it but thats just my opinion. As for the question Unless they have lo-jack on it then I doubt it.
Maybe 3 will, go back to this kids house and beat his ass. Fucking slimy thief. Good job OP, you should be in the clear just reformat the fucker and don't tell anyone about it. Chances are word will spread around a lot quicker than they can track you.
You should have just narced this fuck. He comes over to your home and steals your stuff after you invited him in. Yet he still is ok with hanging out with you. What a cunt.
Your probably good, I would sell it and smoke the profits. But yeah, fuck that kid. I would've took both MacBooks.
Well played. I would've done the same except I would've told him I'm taking his shit, punch him in the face, say BYAH, then walk out.
hahaha thanks guys and yeah if i see him around and he doesn't mention the computer i may call him out on the ps3, its a good thing i keep my Bong, Fumo and bubbler locked up with a key
[quote name='"that toker"']hahaha thanks guys and yeah if i see him around and he doesn't mention the computer i may call him out on the ps3, its a good thing i keep my Bong, Fumo and bubbler locked up with a key [/quote] Hahah. Gotta love stoners; not really giving a fuck about stuff laying out like a PS3, but remembering to lock up our toking tools
but two lefts do on a side note...careful OP i've seen these situations snowball into some real beef, takes one phone call to the piggies and before you know it your both looking at theft charges. that said, i've had shit stolen from my house during keggers and that douche deserves anything he has stolen from him.
[quote name='"FaaipDeOiad"'] but two lefts do on a side note...careful OP i've seen these situations snowball into some real beef, takes one phone call to the piggies and before you know it your both looking at theft charges. that said, i've had shit stolen from my house during keggers and that douche deserves anything he has stolen from him.[/quote] Will do
It's sad how you can trust anyone these days. Keep in mind that Karma is a merciless bitch. You may have walked away clean, but don't be surprised if you get hit back in the future. I would have only taken back what was mine and left it like that. Fair and square.
He took whats his and interest, it's just karma coming back to the other kid who stole a lot more than just OP's Ps3.