
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by kilo flowkey, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. #1 kilo flowkey, Jun 14, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
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  2. Spread them out and leave them alone. Move them away from the wall. Watch the air pot for drying out fast. Use neem oil to keepthe bugs down and bt spray at the first sign of flower but no more during flower. Put mosquoto dunks or bits into water and water with that a good couple times to kill fungus gnats.
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  3. #3 BrassNwood, Jun 14, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
    Powdery Mildew will show up sooner or later so start treatment now to keep them clean. Simple high PH water is all you really need. 1 tablespoon of Potassium or Sodium bicarbonate (household baking soda) to 1 gallon of water. Drench spray once a week every week start to finish.

    Caterpillars are your worst threat as they can destroy all your hard work and you'll never know it until it is all trimmed and hung up to dry.
    Come Aug 1st start to spray BT Thuracide once a week every week right up to harvest. BT is destroyed by sunlight in a few hours so frequent treatment keeps the hundreds of new caterpillars laid every night in check. I had my first big crop outside decimated by the little fucks and I had to destroy 5 pounds of what should have been solid gold.

    After it was all trimmed the Caterpillars started coming out and hanging by silk looking for a breeze to carry them to a live plant not the dead and drying one, they seemed to be on. Just a few the first day. Dozens per hour the 2nd day and by day 3 it was a nightmare of crawling little bastards.

    The worst was yet to come as when I started to strip from the branches it was all shot through with mold as every drop of caterpillar crap forms a point that mold starts in. It was all trashed and shit. I tossed all but one small plant they didn't infest.


    Run a bug zapper close by.


    I chop the grill out so I can brush it clean every morning as my monitor on how bad the moth infestation is. Really bad and I'll step up to twice a week spraying. The Caterpillar has to eat some treated leaf then they die of a terminal belly ache.

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  4. my understanding was that you dont want to spray anything on the flowers you will smoke. A couple years ago we had the worst army worm break out in history. I was working on a farm. Aftet so much rain the plants began to drown and then rot. The army worms feed off of rotting stuff. It was a three day outbreak and after 2 weeks they were gone. Its seasonal here. I am in #7. After 4 weeks of flower I dont see the need to spray for worms. Mayne Im wrong.
  5. Southern California here. Experience is what i go off of. Did I take damage and how much and how bad. Even though I shake it all for the Trichomes and eat much of that I still do smoke 50% the Hash I make.
    Southern Agricultural Insecticides
    https://southernag.com › uploads › 2020/06 › T...

    Apply Thuricide BT Caterpillar Control when worms or caterpillars are first noticed, then repeat at five (5) to seven (7) day intervals while they are active.
    Can you spray Bt in the sun?

    Bacillus thuringiensis products are highly susceptible to degradation by sunlight, so the best time to spray your garden is early morning or evening. Most of these products adhere to the foliage for less than a week following application and the period shortens with rain or overhead watering.Jun 25, 2021
    Can you spray Bt in the rain?

    Applications made in the evening and on cloudy or on rainy days last longer. However, heavy rains can wash Bt off a plant. Applications become inactivated in one to a few days and may need to be reapplied in three to seven days.Apr 6, 2017
    I've used the stuff for over a decade weekly from Aug 1st right up to the week of Harvest. This is the only way I get a totally damage free crop. Miss even one treatment and it'll show 3 weeks later as that crop of Caterpillars gets established and is in too deep to eat treated plant material. You have to get them to eat some when they are small and before they can tunnel deep into the bud core.

    "If you have Moths at your Porch light you have Caterpillars in your Buds"
    BrassNwood 2012:

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  6. Its bad here in Oklahoma so almost nobody grows outdoors. At first they will start in your buds but when they get bigger they eat everything and fast too. Good info Brass. I might try a few outdoors with your schedule.
  7. Central California here and Brass' info on BT is dead on. First year I treated with it I went from dozens of caterpillars to 2.......and I didn't even know what I was doing. LOL. Solid recommend here for anyone who hasn't used it. Peace :)
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