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M' Stash

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by suedeloser666, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. YO, Blades what's up? Haven't posted any visuals of my pickups, so here's my entire stash. Got a little rainy day stash of 4 different kinds of weed. My main is comprised of (currently) T-Wreck and AK-47.

    Picture of all weed clockwise from bottom left: Trainwreck, Purple Kush and Trainwreck shake, Purple Kush, White Widow, Dreamsicle, No Name (I nicknamed it Starfruit), and AK-47.

    Order of pictures: Purple Kush, White Widow, Dreamsicle, Starfruit, Trainwreck, and AK-47.

    Look at the hairs on the Starfruit in addition to the frosty goodness. This is the best weed I've smoked in my entire life. Haven't tried the AK, can't wait. Enjoy the eye candy folks!!! Zu-Bam :bongin:

    Attached Files:

  2. Beautiful buds bro.
  3. Those buds have some really big trichromes.
  4. Thanks guys! Yeah the trichomes on the Starfruit are huge, as well as the Widow and AK. :bongin:
  5. *bump! Check out my buds! :bongin:
  6. #7 suedeloser666, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Right? :bongin:

  7. Loved this. Thought you guys might too, Zu-Bam! :bongin:

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