lyrics written in fits of rage

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by no comment, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    jokes picture...

    Anyways. I am not trying to silence your opinion, i'm not trying to tell you to stop. Of course I realize that the statement applies to me, or else I wouldn't have said it. I'm purely talking about what I know about. I know that your song is terribly written and very ignorant, so I'll talk about it. An opinion without fact is about as useful as a bong without weed. No opinion is "wrong" but an opinion based on ignorance is invalid. If you're going to talk about something go ahead, but know what you're talking about. Or else you just look like more of an ignorant douchebag then you already do.

    I'M NOT RELIGIOUS. I have already told you this.

    "Religion is the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or a set of beliefs concerning the origin and purpose of the universe."

    I believe that there is something bigger than us, I do not worship this, i do not have a set of beliefs based on this that explain the origin and purpose of the universe. If having any beliefs makes you religious, then every single person on the earth is religious. I hate all organized religion, and think that religion in general is pointless. You're a fucking moron. I'm done here. You're simply too dumb to get through to. Your responses are sad, thats it, just sad. Maybe your trying to mask the fact that you really can't read or something, atleast I hope thats the reason that your responses have nothing to do with anything I've said. Maybe you just can't admit when you're wrong, but frankly I'd rather be illiterate then too arrogant to admit when I'm wrong.

    You give a bad name to all non-religious people, all atheists, and everyone against organized religion. You know the guys that go around door to door pushing their religious beliefs on others? You know the kinds of guys who bomb cities because of their fanatic religious beliefs? You're their atheist counterpart. I like how russell peters described islamic fundamentalist terrorists, the rednecks of the islamic world. Well, you're the redneck of the secular world.

    I'm done. No point in trying to show you what you clearly can't see. My time would be better spent teaching a blind kid to see.
  2. hail satan.
  3. K I know I said I'm done wasting my time, but this'll take 20 seconds, tops.

    Hailing satan would make you religious. You know, that thing that you seem to hate soooo much.

    Plus, what part of "I'm not religious" do you not understand? I don't give a fuck what you believe in.
  4. man, you are one square dude. you take everything way too seriously.
  5. If you get any shows recorded, post 'em up in the punk thread

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