So i meant a girl, 8 months later she leaves me because marry jane got in the way. Should i try and win her back or move on? Tell me what you think after you read. So i meant this girl at a party. I wasnt planning on looking for a girl that night. I just got really high off of some space cadet with some friends before the party. I was so awkward and high at the party. I was in the basement with like 6 dudes, and two girls. I was just spinning around on a chair laughing at the air because i was so high. Anyways the next weekend the girl at the party hit all of my friends up to party. We ended up hanging out and my friend really wanted to get with this girl. She happened to party a lot, but she didnt drink or ever smoke. The first night of hanging out with this girl, my friend makes a move and she denies him. Well as time goes on she is falling for me for some reason. She was into me the whole time and ended up sleeping with me a the first time we hung. I was really drunk and we just stayed up all night and talked about everything. I wasnt looking for a relationship so i didnt want to fall for this girl, but the first night we hung, she wrote her name on the ceiling where i sleep and i would see it every night and it made me fall for her. She saw that i was really laid back and nice unlike most of the guys she dated. Well weekends after weekends we would do the same thing. Her and a friend would always hang with me and two friends. We would always do the same thing. I would just get high with my friends and we would just chill with the girls and every weekend night i would sleep with her and eventually getting closer to her. About a month later, she gives me a ultimatum. Either we start dating or shes going to move. I was never sure because i just didnt want to get in a relationship, but i ended up saying yeah lets date and see where things go. Well a few weeks later, she wants me to quit smoking weed and everything. I always told myself that im gonna do what i want and never let anyone change me. I always had the im only going to be young for long attitude so why not enjoy my youth with doing what i love which was smoking weed, drinking, going to parties and so on. So my girlfriend told me that i need to quit or she does'nt want to be with me. So i decided to make her happy and say i would quit, but at the same time i told myself im gonna do what i want that makes me happy and just keeping smoking weed for my own time and no one needs to know. Well as the months go on we begin to fight and stuff. It felt like the relationship wasnt going anywhere. I still had the same attitude about life and having fun. I still wanted to party once in a while with my friends. I would still want to smoke all the time. Well finally at 8 months, we are just both upset with eachother and she tells me im changing and she misses the old me. Well finally i break and say im not a good guy. She ask me why and i say because im a liar. She ask me what i was lying about. I tell her that i smoke weed all the time and that i never quit smoking in the first place. I was just lying for the last 8 months. She tells me to leave her house and that she will talk to me later. Well after that happened, i went to a friends to smoke. She calls me a little later and says shes picking up her dog at my house. I asked her if she was leaving me and she said yeah and that shes not a dumb girlfriend. I was just like fuck it and just proceeding to get high. We would always fight, but make up eventually. I even broke up with her saying i didnt see her in my future. I felt bad and got back with her. I told her i would change and stuff, but i never changed. I was still the same old boyfriend smoking weed, partying behind her back. Well a weekend after we broke up this time, i spent the night at a friend and party two nights in a row, but i just felt sad when i was drinking and smoking. It really started to hit me that we broke up and that it looks like we arent getting back together. I started to miss her and that following sunday i sent her a text saying i cant move on unless its really for good and that theres no turning back. She texts me with " You fucked up. Have a nice life". It really hurt me and it was making me hurt more. The next day i send one more text about saying i was sorry and i would really quit. She never replied. Today it makes it a week of us breaking up. I havent talked to her at all and the last time she said anything to me was in that little text on sunday. Well im still hurting and i dont know what to do. Should i wait it out and see if i really want her back or should i just move on already and not look back? I tell myself i would really quit if we got back together again, but i dont know if i mean it or just lying to myself. Would a girl ever take a liar back? Is lying about weed really that serious? Well i wrote a lot. Tell me what you think i should do. Just needed a place to vent, thanks to anyone that gives the time to read.
it needs paragraphs but i read it, dont change for anyone, you said you were fighting after a few months and nearly broke up even when she didnt know you kept smoking weed... she seems like a bad seed or your not compatible man, id just take it like a man and try move on. Even if you really miss her, dont text her as she is hurting as much as you and theres more chance of her coming back to you... shes expecting you to come back to her i think, i could be wrong though. go with what you feel or think
ive just made a thread... turn that frown upside down! this may help you lol edit: sorry for double post