Just a public service message. I started to use this Lush soil from Roots Organic and I must say, it is the best bag soil I have used to date. It is $$ but it is good stuff. I am in flower now and it seems to perform well in my SIP containers so I think it will perform well in fabric or plastic pots as well. If you see the stuff and are willing to pay a bit more than FFOF and the other bag soils out there, give it a try. Hoping as their market share grows that the price drops . What I like: airy mix no bugs even wetting vertically in my SIPs loaded with amendments warm mix but did NOT harm sprouting seeds in it. However, I would use something cooler to sprout in just in case since I only sprouted 4 seeds in it. Of course YMMV https://growgreenmi.com/roots-organ...MI1O2xt5LygwMVMQWtBh31QQ5bEAQYAyABEgJ40PD_BwE
I am always bitching about all these so called bagged potting soil less soil. Grow Green does not mention top soil but its has pretty much everything that top soil is made up of . Looks like a good product. Soil is about 50% silica.