Lumatek ballast prob

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by calyxxx, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. super sun 2 reflector 400 watt hps lumatek digital ballast. only 7 months old. I noticed light wasn't on so i replaced bulb. pluged everything in and nothing. pretty sure its the lumatek ballast. Im looking for the fuse but i think on this model which is brand new they replaced the fuse with a hot restrike switch? I read that the fuse was located underneath the in plug receptical. I took the ballast apart and found nothing but a really hard time taking the plug off. Any ideas?
  2. get a voltage tester and test the incoming in the ballast .
    and the outgoing . you will have to take the top off and plug it in.
    and test it whilst LIVE if you are capable of doing this .
    this would tell you if your ballast is broke .
    but it maybe something like a loose connection on your lamp holder

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