So, right now i have 2 hits of LSD on my tongue, and a quarter of mids to blaze in the bong Going to be a great night
You lucky bastard, I would love to be in that position right now, besides the fact you'll probably have to pull an all nighter. But I would only want to trip if there were friends there who were also tripping.
My friends left after they smoked a blunt with me, but once i start tripping I'm gonna see if some people want to match
nice bro, enjoy that shit !!!! my favorite thing to do when i trip is get some crayola markers and a big ass drawing pad and go to town. once i come down ill go back and look at my crazy ass drawings lol...
I honestly don't know, I got 2 for $25 I enjoy writing music, so maybe if I come up with something, ill post it.
nice man, good vibes heading your way i really wanna drop, but im gonna wait til tomorrow night or this weekend. its so tempting but i need to conserve what i have so the longer i wait the better itll be and the more ill have til the next festie