The dictionary defines Lucid dreamingas, “being aware you are dreaming while dreaming.†That's the same exact definition that I use in the video below. It's basic, right to the point, and all that can really be said about it short of actually experiencing it. Me saying that lucid dreaming is amazing, fantastic, eye-opening, and enlightening only goes so far as to communicate what it really is. A frequently asked question in regards to lucid dreaming is how do you do it? While there are a lot of different techniques such as maintaining a thought while in the hypnagogic state, reality checks, and other things, I find that what works for me is just being aware of all of the little things that are going on throughout my day. Another key thing is that you have to be open to it. If you're reading this, or watching my video, and saying that this is bullshit, then you probably won't have a lucid dream due to the fact that your mind is closed to it. Just breath, be open, and don't force it. Do some more research if you want, but I think that the first step is letting go of a lot of things that cause you stress or worry. This is a great website with answers to the many questions that people have: Lucid Dreaming Frequently Asked Questions Answered by The Lucidity Institute Sweet dreams. [ame=""]YouTube - Lucid Dreaming is FUCKING Amazing[/ame]
I had my first real lucid dream the other night. It was free form flight. I could take off and control myself as I soared high up above. I waved to an airplane and took off like an eagle. One of those dreams that was just beautiful.
i actually started doing this by accident. ever since i started fuckin around with lucy and sally d i find myself questioning reality numerous time a day. for some reason i cant let myself forget the bizarre things i experienced while tripping. since i frequently remind myself that this reality is nothing more than a dream, i do the same thing when im asleep, except when im dreaming it actually works. my first lucid dream was when i was dreaming that i was in the hospital giving birth and my whole family was there around me. i eventually had the kid and was talking to my dad.....all the sudden i turned to my dad and said that this is fucking impossible theres no way a baby boy came out of my dick. after i realized that i knew i was dreaming and went on to a lucid dream. its all subconscious i dont think u can scientifically prove that lucid dreaming is real i think its something everyone can do if they just pay more attention to their dreams and anticipate dreaming while trying to fall asleep. i fuckin love sleeping now
"since i frequently remind myself that this reality is nothing more than a dream" That's so true dude, have you ever seen the movie waking life? It's great dude, check it out. haha, babies coming out of your dick would be so painful homie. I love going to sleep too man, and I also love waking up. I just need to get to the point of lucid dreaming every night, it will happen of its own accord though. Sick stuff guys.
I used to be able to do this when I was young. I would do self-checks and realize I was actually asleep!
That is a very interesting theory you had about "knowing" you can do something... but that would you really want to test that out? haha. I know this is kind of morbid, but if you threw a baby off a roof, it WILL die. But how would that baby know it's going to die? It doesn't even know what death is, or life for that matter. So I dunno.. very interesting theory, but I highly doubt. I actually had my very first lucid dream last night. It felt like it only lasted like 5 min, but it was very exhilarating. I think I was just so excited that I realized I was dreaming that I was just overwhelmed by it, and I slowly lost control of the dream, and before I knew it I was just regular dreaming again. I hope I get to lucid dream again... and soon.
Sounds like it was an amazing experience. I've gone lucid and then gone out of it as well, I guess it's a matter of focus. THIS IS SO AMAZING MAN, haha it's something that you can always get better at. In response to your question of if I would try it, hell yeah I would if I truly KNEW it. It's that 1% of doubt that would hold me back from jumping off of a roof. About the whole baby thing, who knows? Maybe you need to "know," and since babies may either know, or not know, about flight and shit like that then I think that they would, as you said, die. They have no knowledge at all and without the knowledge in their heads then their just an example of tabula rasa you know, a blank slate. KEEP DREAMING!
Lucid dreams are amazing. I've been having them since 7th grade. Throughout middle school and high school I would usually just have orgies in all my lucid dreams. These days I just like to walk around and carefully observe my dream environment. It's like tripping, everything looks so surreal and strange in dreams when you actually pay attention to your surroundings in a lucid state. I also like to induce out of body experiences, which I find much easier in dreams. Every now and then I try flying, but I usually only am able to hover awkwardly for a few hundred feet. I've been having even more lucid dreams than usual since I've been keeping a dream journal. I highly recommend keeping a dream journal, it's really surprising how many dreams you have every night that you would usually completely forget about by the time you wake up. Plus I can vividly remember every dream I've had in the last 3 weeks.
I have recently started a dream journal, but the weird thing is.. I won't remember my dream when I initially wake up. Sometimes it will take like 10 minutes or even an HOUR before I remember my dream. I wake up and go "fuck! I forgot my dream", but then it all comes back to me later. A couple days ago actually, when I had my lucid dream, I completely forgot I even had one until a couple hours after I was awake. Which is weird, because I figured that would be the first thing I remember when I wake up since I was so excited. This happen to anyone else?
Iv been doing experimenting lucid dreams for a while now. What an experience this has been. You will be suprised what having an open-mind can really do. As someone above, Its like tripping: Everything is so surreal. I have a Dream Journal and it really does help. Peace.
Hey dude, what exactly do you mean by "experimenting" lucid dreams? Sounds interesting. That's interesting dude. I recommend not forcing it and just wait until they surface and then write it all down.
I have been lucid dreaming so much, almost every night, it is too the point where I don't even realize I am dreaming I think it's reality, and just explore the dream world like I would Life. During the day I'll get faint memories the the dream and I'm like oh shit... That was a dream not real life... I stopped writing down my dreams recently because when I wake up I don't realized I dreamed, it seemed real, then later on in the day I am like oh shit that was a dream... but it's too late because I forgot all of it. Like you, in my dreams I have a "guide." This started maybe in Late December. I quit smoking pot, have not smoked since and started having INSANELY Lucid dreams. I'd be gaining knowledge from a guide while I sleep, and it blew my mind. They did not speak English, yet I interrupted it as English. It is as if they spoke only Knowledge and Truth... But my mind comprehended it. I couldn't not remember the lessons the taught me, but the knowledge is in my Mind, I can feel it. I could the knowledge I gained when I woke up, just unsure of what I learned. Recently I've been able to analyze/decipher my dreams, as I am dreaming them. I see the metaphorical meaning behind them while dreaming them. I am at a different state of consciousness it is 100% free, no restrictions/barriers. It's like I am observing my self in the dream world, from a 3rd person perspective and letting myself roam freely, while I just watch and take notes. Kind of like a Movie, watching the main character. My dream World is almost its own world... I visit different areas in different dreams. For example my "school" in dream, is a mixture of all the schools I've attended. My neighborhood has a treacherous backroad. In my dreams that backroad is like the amazon river. I've traveled the river in boat (was a bus that turned into a boat) and say this 20-40 foot silver fish salamander... And there is a dump behind that road, that dump in my dream world is like a treacherous swamp, it's ALWAYS night there. The swamp eventually turns into a sandy sunny industrial area that I've visited, almost like a military compound (Every time I've been to the sandy area I need to sneak around and or I've been chased and ran through the woods to the sandy area) I've visited these area multiple times, but prior to being in control of my dreams, they were just extremely lucid.. I've visted vermont, where my aunt lives in my dreams right now I can see where I went in my head, but cannot put type it, I don't remember enough, only visualizations. --------------------------------------- I recently had a dream where I was in a stadium and the construction workers did not want me there. I was with one of my guides (female) and my cuz's father figure. We were barricading the stadium hoping to do it before the construction works can do anything. A door appeared behind us, and a man waved me on, to come in. I left the guide (female)/my cuz's father figure, and went in the door. It led to a stair well, in it was "TNT" the man said, that's TNT! Don't USE IT! I was like, No it isn't and blew it up, and nothing happened. I ditched the man, and went down the stair well, it was infinite, so I went down, then up and out of it. It led into my "school" I was at a hallway in the "school(dream school" that I've been before, and I was like: Fuck this place I been here already... I saw my old friend who never says hi to me or makes eye contact with me in real life. I always make eye contact/say hi, but this time I didn't I was too busy, had shit to do in this world. That kind of cued that I was dreaming, because he actually looked into my eyes, and say hi. I leaped over the railing and I went back down the stair well, and eventually I was at an underground dock, with the female guide who was with me in the stadium. We entered a submarine like boat, and left the underground passage and were on a tropical coast line. We went to took a right, out of the underground passage, this lead us to the beach, and across the beach was an island. We docked on the beach, I was exploring the beach, I saw a cave with a shark bite as an entrance, I thought it was cool, I entered it and sun light was beaming into it, I touched the sand and was like, Huh... it feels just like sand. I left the sand cave and walked the beach, I noticed across the island were natives with spears, swords, and javelins. (Mind you I NEVER! See other people who are aggressive in my dreams, such as monsters, zombies, aliens, etc, this was the FIRST TIME) I thought it was odd that I see them... As I walked the beach it lead to another huge cave, and there were sand pillars supporting the cave. The tunnel in the cave lead to tiled floor. But before I could explore the tiled floor, the natives started attacking me, the guide, and the door men at the entrance to the tiled floor. A native throw a samurai sword at me, so I was now armed. It was so REAL so I was approaching them with caution because I did not want to get sliced by their blade(in my lucid dreams I've been stabbed to death before and I literally feel the stabbing, it feels horrible, and I did not want to experience this again). Me and the guide ended up fending off the entrance of the titled floor, two door men died. I left the guide, and entered the titled floor hallway. It was a restaurant. I saw my family sitting at a table, it was red carpet, very fancy, high class place. I grab a seat, and a random man sits next to me (a guide) he text messages me on my phone, and I text him back, then telepathically tell him why are we text messaging, I'm dreaming, and you're also across the table from me. He was like touche... I look the my left, and there is a black family. For some reason I know they're Jewish, then their rabbi sits at the table, did not surprise me. After talking to my family a bit, I woke up. (I just typed all this out of memory... That is how real this shit is to me, it's like I actually did it, wasn't a dream) I missed no parts. The female guide in my dreams is always the same girl. I recently started seeing her. She is beyond beautiful, brunette, short, and has a sister who is not as beautiful, tall, but has a beautiful body and angel wings. ------------------------------------ My First lucid dream after quitting smoking pot: I was in my house, my pink bathroom to be specific, with my friend steve, and alex. Alex is an oxy addict, steve is a pot head, I quit smoking pot. Alex was crying about how he can't quit and is not in control anymore. I started crying, so did steve. I realized Alex is a lost cause, and there is no hope. So me and steve(my of been a guide, I never looked at him after we teleported)were teleported to a warehouse that had environment in it. We had a HUGE test ahead of us. We were being hunted by an invisible being (I feel it was addiction). The first area was winter, cold as fuck, slippery, evergreens, we made it through it, there was a huge wall to climb, we climbed it, dropped down into a tropical area. Sand and Trees, we ran from the being, it was very close, maybe 30 seconds behind us. We get to the wall of the tropical area, Steve couldn't climb over the wall, and was crying and gave up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up effortlessly. We sat on-top of the wall, I was hungry so I thought of a mini fridge and it appeared, inside of it was Nathans Hot dogs, I don't eat hot dogs. Steve was pleading to give up and started crying again, I told him NO! You can't, I got you man don't worry, and handed him a hot dog. The being was again right behind us, below the wall. We hopped down the wall and there was a door, to a gymnasium, I ran through it, chained it shut. The being was banging on the door trying to get through, pissed that I outsmarted it. This gymnasium was empty except for glass windows... I saw it was night time outside. Now I was alone. I went up to the window, and touched it, it was not glass, but Ice, next to my feet, now was a shovel. I started smashing through the ice, and the window started falling apart into water. I climbed out of the window, and saw two men watching me. I realized I was outside of my high school. I did not know whether these men were the being, because I only saw my friend Steve throughout the dream, so I ran from them (I think they were guides, seeing If I made it through the test). Before I ran, I saw a Cadillac drive by with it's lights on, it was dark. I ran the way the car came, and it let me to an alley way, I was with my brother now. We ran through the alley way, and ended up in the middle of NYC, I knew I was in NYC by the feel. I looked up and saw all the city lights, and a cab came, and we hopped in, and I woke up. This dream too was written out of memory, don;t believe I missed any parts. ----------------------------------- Another dream: Driving in my car on a highway near my house, I hear my aunt dee talking to darren (her son) on the phone, shes in a car next to me. I get behind her and follow, still continuing to listen to her talk, she says Darren I'm on my way (To NY, which seemed like a lie, because she was heading to my Dads old house). I follow her, end up near the Library (near my dads old house). I'm out my car walking at this point, I see my Aunt dee walking in a field, almost yellowy wheat, and we say hi, etc. She leads me to this old grey shack, looked like something from a fairytale, when we went in it, she vanishes, I'm in the shack, it's very dreary, witch looking, dismal, dark petrified gray wood, a stove, wooden looking, but a TV (bubble), don't notice the TV until later. There are people, there are three of them but I only see two, who I assume are sisters, one is Tall, the Other is shorter than me. I feel like my brother or mother was in the house talking to the other Person, who I never saw. On there kitchen table, was some sort of juice, and wine in a large round glass pitcher, there was pulp in it, I believe my Mother gave me a glass of it,tasted fruity had a little bit of wine in it she said. After that I go outside the shack, now I'm facing “the libraries art show area,” Only it's a huge forest, in between us and the shack is flattened down grass/wheat leading to an entrance/path into the forest. This is where I begin talking to the sisters: Tall- Older I assumed, not big boobs, skinny waste, wide hips, and ass, white girl shape, nose has a pimple or something on the right tip, brown long hair, not nearly as beautiful as the younger sister, but has a beautifuler physique. Shorter- Beautiful face, skinny waste, avg hips, ass, small breast, beautiful eyes, I'm more gazing at her during my conversations with her and her sister. My focus in on her, but she is not saying much maybe not talking at all, the older sister is doing all the talking. They tell me about the forest of creativity, which is just across from them and their shack, I'm interested, they tell me they planted trees of creativity or sprouts of creativity in my mind, don't remember the rest of the conversation. We end up done talking, and I look at my phone or something, and they're chatting with me on my phone, only nothing has been said. Their profile picture has their bodies (no faces) in it, and the older sister had angel wings, where as I did not see any on the younger sister, I was like Huh? And they were gone. I walk inside the shack, this is where I believe my mom handed me a glass of pulpy juice wine, and I notice on the Tv above the stove and sink, in a top cabinet, I hear Tech N9ne, and I see a pair of boobs on tv, in a yellow bar/bikini. He's talking about his music and how many people are listening to it now, about music industry music, all his homies are on TV, including a sinister looking white man. They start talking about money, industry etc. There is a black guy, looks like Brotha Lynch Hung, with some white facepaint on, and his eyes are red, like demons. I leave the shack, out of the exit on the side where I was talking to the sisters, arcross from the forest of creativity. I Look at the Forest, it looks very pleasant, and welcoming, almost calling me. I believe this is where Cliff (my bro) came walking down the flattened grass/wheat area inbetween the shack and the forest of creativity. I wake up ------------------------- edit: This dream coincides with the dream with the shack and the two women guides, it was the first dream of that night, the second one was the one about the shack, the third one was the one about the stadium, my school and the natives and restaurant. All had the same guide (The short beautiful brunette women). I was sitting in my bed, sleeping I wake up, it's pitch black, my lights are off. My bros GF's laptop is on my floor, I know it is there, I grab it. Put it on my lap. I cannot find the power button for the life of me, and I do not want to turn my light on to find it. Eventually I Turn my light on, I can't find the power button. When I turn on my light (on my night stand), Santana starts playing on my desktop computer, and I am like "What the fuck???" Then I'm like oh I'm dreaming... I turn off the light, but Santana doesn't turn off. So I turn it off, with my mind. I turn on the lap top, and when I turn on the lap top, Santana music starts playing, again I'm like "What the fuck??" and when I turn off the computer with the power button it still plays, and I'm confused, and get teleported from my bedroom to a forest. I am sitting on the floor of this forest, it's all grey trees with almost infinite height, I can see the sky through the canopy dispite how tall these trees are. I notice I am sitting in a circle, with a perimeter of grey sticks almost as fences. I am sitting in my mediation style, kinda like my avatar pic. Lap top teleported with me, it's laying next to me on the leafy floor. I start looking around the circle I am in, and notice there are trees in every direction, I look directly across from me, and there is a path leading from the circle, and it goes downwards, and bends to the right. I ponder where it leads to, and then I hear a deep Voice, talking to me, I do not remember what it was saying, but it was very insightful and filled with knowledge. I was 100% attentive to this voice. It was talking about creativity, saying how it was planted in my mind. I hear an alarming sound, from the earthly world, not the dream world (my ex texting me... I was a bit upset that I was awoken...) and am awakened before I was able to finish listening to the voice, and walk down that path. The guide in this dream was just a voice, he was not visible. (I was naked in the forest, the only color in the forest was the gray leaves and gray trees/a pink hoody on the path) It was the same gray as the Forest of Creativity's trees in my dream about the shack, I believe I was in the forest of creativity that was a cross from the shack) I found it odd that both dreams talked about planting creativity in my mind, and all three dreams had guides.
I used to lucid dream a lot, but ever since I started smoking every night it dosen't happen very often
Yeah man I've remembered dreams that I thought I forgot when I woke up, while I was showering that very morning, like 30 mins after dreaming. It happens quite frequently, showering always seems to trigger me remembering my dreams if I've forgotten them. Also while dreaming/starting to dream and become unconscious, makes me able to remember dreams I've forgotten, it's like I can tap into my memory bank of dreams, and remember them when I am asleep. I also can decipher them while I am remember them/experiencing them.
Dude...all of that was so amazing. The detail that you retained shows just how authentic those dreams were/are. Are you ever afraid that your dream world will become your dominant form of reality? Also, did you lucid dream a lot before you quit smoking? All of this is incredible man and I would love it if you joined my website and just posted everything you wrote on it. I'm sure many other people would want to read all of that. Message me if you're into it. Everyone's welcome to post their dreams/ thoughts on my website if you're into expanding the reach of your amazing thoughts. Thanks for sharing those dreams with us man. It was great to read them.
Lucid Dreaming is a very interesting topic. Im reading a book on it right now called " The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep " . Its a very interesting book and I suggest it to all. I think using the scientific techniques to Lucid Dream is like forcing it which I believe is bad. You should try to Lucid Dream with meditation, breathing, and yoga. This way your experience isn't contrived. Just my two cents though. Jah Bless
Ive never self induced a lucid dream, however i have thought about keeping a dream journal so i can. The only lucid dreams I ever remember happening come from when i was was on a nicotine patch. The side effects on the box listed strange of unusual dreams. It was awesome.
Am I afraid my dream world will become my dominant form of reality.... Yeah, a bit to be honest... It scares me sometimes, it is just a better reality, it is 100% free, my mind is free, I feel no stress, I feel weightless, free, happy, it is like the ultimate form of creativity. It is a better world than the conscious world. There is no burdens or struggles, there is no Power and Greed. There simply just is. I love it, it is almost addicting... Sometimes I just want to go to sleep and dream. I've had relationships with women in my dreams that seem so real, like crazy shit, I wish I wrote down that dream.... I didn't even realize it was a dream till later on in the day. Recently it has been with the same girl in my dreams, and I honestly think this reoccurring girl is a sign as to a girl I met at school recently. At school while helping me with a math problem she put her hand on mine for a bout 20 seconds and I felt such a strong connection, I was baffled. We are very comfortable with each other, yet do not know each other. I gotta get her number/chill next class... I just have faint memories of her (the reoccurring dream girl), and what was going on. She was so fucking beautiful and just awesome... her kisses, she sucked at kissing our first kiss, and I taught her instantly how to kiss like I do (I am fantastic at kissing) and she learned instantly because it was a lucid dream. Thus was great at passionately kissing. I remember gazing into each others eyes, passionately making love, she was very good at fucking, it was awesome... She told me she had to go, and I was like where??? But don't remember what she said. I know we were at some sort of away schooling, and we were secretly lovers, I guess you couldn't have relationships there, we would sneak to each others room, and make love. I remember the environment in my head, but I cannot describe it sadly... The rooms had no electricity, it was back in the day, with candle light, possibly England or somewhere, it was a gray building hard wood floors. Very dark dream (lighting wise). ------------------------------ Prior to losing my virginity, I had an intense lucid sex dream, where I passionately made love to some girl, I was 16 at the time. I lost my virginity at 18. When I first had sex, it was no surprise to me as to what a vagina felt like when my penis was inside her, because I had an intense sex lucid dream. Technically, I feel I lost my virginity in my dreams, to some dream girl. wild shit... ------------------------------- What also scares me is I know when I am going to LUCID dream, I see white flashes of light (someone told me it is "energy"/Guides) in my eyes when I am starting to dream. I can tell when my mind is changing consciousnesses, my thought process changes from thoughts to more of visualizations, not words and language, but creativity and scenes. I've also been able to occasionally be in a dream state mind set, while conscious and that is when I do my best poetry/writing rhymes/art. I feel the connection my mind makes when I am a sleep, only I am awake. Quite bizarre. That is when I can do very DEEP conscious thought. It is the same thought that I have when I am dreaming and able to analyze my dreams while dreaming. Since Lucid Dreaming, I've been sleeping so fucking much. I like waking up naturally vs alarm clock because for the most part when I naturally wake up my dreams are over and I wake up. Now I almost don't want to wake up in the morning because it interrupts my dreams... I hate alarms...I end up waking up an hour and a half later than expected everyday, because my dreams in the morning are normally like the Finale of the dreams from the night. They like bring everything together almost in a sense. I noticed I have almost 3 dreams a night, like the INTRO, CLIMAX, and CONCLUSION. My dreams are very important to me, I learn more from my dreams than I ever would in reality, in a sense. It is knowledge I cannot learn in our "reality" only understandable via unconsciousness. I did not remember my dreams much when smoking, but I would ALWAYS remember my Lucid Dreams, I lucid dreamt my whole life, I just never knew what it was until I researched heavily into spirituality, "conspiracy theories", reality, perception, focus, dreams, astral projection, mediation, kundalini, chakras. ------------------------------- (dream about being stabbed to death, was months ago, while I was a pothead and smoking, but I still vividly remember it) I had a dream I was driving around with my cousin the town he lives in, we were riding dirty, I knew it, and there was a cop in our rear-view. His sirens/lights went on and my cousin pulled in between two cars, my cousin disappeared, and I hid under the car. The cop pulled up next to the car I was hiding under, and I saw his feet, he was looking for me. The car transformed into a bed that I was now hiding under and the street transformed into a hotel room that we were in. I still saw the cops feet when everything morphed, but he hopped into bed with a women (now that I think of it, she was probably a guide, or the cop was, trying to teach me more about lucid dreaming, because at this point I thought it was actually happening). I crawl out from under the bed, no one sees me and I leave out the door. I am Hiding against the wall, next to the door, and I am aware the cop sees me through the wall (which baffled me). I saw that he pulled out a sharp object, knife, pointed metal, I don't know what it was.(mind you I was not in the room with him, I was in the hotel rooms hall way yet I still saw him in the room (that is what I mean by I am observing my self in the dreams) He started stabbing it through the wall, I was confused as fuck as to how he was doing it, because I was seeing he was nowhere near the wall. Then he stabbed me through the wall even though I wasn't against it, he was able to stab me through the wall, and strike me hundreds of times in my lower back. I started wondering how all of this is possible (didn't realize I was dreaming) As I was getting stabbed I physically felt him stab me hundreds of times, I felt it go in and out, it was a hot sensation, it felt horrible, I now know what it feels like to be stabbed to death (like my lucid sex dream and virginity). The cop disappears and across from his room is a bathroom, with an old friend from elementary school. He is washing socks in the bathroom sink, seemed odd to me. I knew he was a nurse for some reason, and I asked him, "Anthony, Am I going to live?" he responded with, "No, you don't have long to live (maybe an hour he said?)" and I was just shocked, but 100% content with dying. And being so calm and realizing I should of actually be dead already because I was stabbed hundreds of times in my kidneys, I realized I was dreaming... And woke up. -------------------- I have lucid sex dreams pretty much every morning now, that's how my body tells me I need to pee. When ever I am about to orgasm in the dream, that means I am going to piss my self. Rather lame, but recently I've been able to continue and just have sex, and not have to wake up and pee.
I started having them in the past two months... I always have them when I wake up from sleep then go back to bed again, but I always have to battle with staying asleep.