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Lucid dreams/Astral Projection

Discussion in 'General' started by KushMonkey69, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. I know I couuuld've posted this in philosophy or science or what say you, but figured I'd get more responses here. So I ask the question: Has anybody ever had a lucid dream or astral projection? If so, please share your stories, I'm sure they are fascinating. If some of you don't know what these are, I suggest doing some research. I've never had one but it's something I'm dying to experience. I posted this video in another thread but I'll post it here too. Also if anyone has any tips/secrets etc. or just even explain how you got into your OBE(out of body experience) please feel free to share!

    [ame=]Spirit Science 9 - Astral Projection - YouTube[/ame]

  2. What are these things you speak of?
  3. From what I understand its like a form of meditation. You can tune your mind, to get an out of like body experience, all whilst laying in bed.
  4. Man the other night at about 2 am I was lying in bed with my blacklight on thinking about astral projection and listening to this album:
    [ame=]Grails - Erosion Blues - YouTube[/ame]

    And suddenly I felt a concentration of energy at a point in my forehead, my body started to feel strange and I felt as if I were beginning to fade out of the world into the other, there was a pulling feeling in my third eye. It scared me and I sat up and shook myself lol
    I didn't want my soul to get away!
  5. Astral projection and lucid dreaming goes along with everything I believe. This inspires me to look into it a bit more.
  6. I have had many lucid dreams. I began learning about them after I found the term for what I had experienced years prior, early in childhood. I snapped out of that first, 7 year old's dream as soon as I became lucid, but it made me wonder if anyone had every done that. I found out, yes, many people actually. I have been studying and practicing lucid dreaming for about 4 years, and have been having them semi often for a few years before that. I have many experiences to share:hello:

    so :smoke:
    bust out your sharing equipement :bongin:
  7. I watched Spirit Science a lot of them in one day and was mindfucked for a week so overwhelmed by all his info took me a week to process such good stuff. I should finish these.
  8. Also I lucid dreamed once as a kid but got excited and woke myself up.
  9. i've read somewhere that you can train yourself to do it. my friend tried it a while back in high school, but i suppose we never kept in touch long enough to know how things went for her. D:
    this thread has got me thinkin'.
  10. I've been trying to coax myself into having lucid dreams for almost a month now to no avail.
    I actually had a DREAM that I was lucid dreaming. Talk about being mindfucked when I woke up from that dream.

    I find it fascinating though and wish it would happen to me.
  11. #14 Kobe4MVP420, Mar 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2012
    I have had a lucid dream once, I will never forget it. I was on this huge class stair case, with ninjas in front of me. I remember thinking, "this is fucked up", and thought of jumping over them, and thats exactly what the fuck I did. I was trying to do it for awhile(would tell myself before i sleep, keep of dream journal, do reality checks during the day) and never got it. It was a completely new feeling of excitement. Right after, I thought about me thinking in my dreams and being somewhat conscious, I woke up. That has been my only experience with it, and do still keep trying.

    Also since were kinda on the topic of relaxation/state of minds, I saw this yesterday. Talk is, that 432 Hz is the frequency of our universe, and that sounds at this frequency seem calmer to us or make us more relaxed. I listened to this song, and it did calm me down.

  12. Just a forewarning, since starting lucid dreaming but also before hand. I have talked in my sleep, this is usually not much of a problem. However, the hightened emotional states evoked while in LD sleep have caused me too wakeup several time's at strange hour's. Usually elevated speaking something,(which bring's me out of LD) but in my sleep state it defiantly is shouting.

    It's kinda startling to hear your physical self say something aloud, when you are aware your in a dream aha.
  13. #16 Sunn, Mar 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2012
    lucid dreaming is one of the greatest things someone can experience, in my opinion. way better than real life, for sure. I've had a couple before just randomly, and a few months ago i spent a few weeks trying to train myself to have lucid dreams, but without much success.

    I tried using the technique where all throughout the day, you check the time, look away, confirm in your head what time it was, then look at the clock again. If you're awake, obviously the time will be the same. But when you're dreaming, for some reason your brain can't remember that info and the time will be different.

    The trick is that while you're dreaming, you won't know you're dreaming and so you would never think to check if you're in a dream. That's why you have to do it constantly throughout the day until you do it without thinking about it, so you'll start doing it in your dreams too.

    So for a few weeks, every like half hour or so i would take out my phone and check the time. Then look away, say the time in my head, and look back.

    Eventually after about a week, i was having a dream one night and i became suspicious that i might be in a dream. But i really wasn't sure, so i looked at my clock, looked away, looked back, and the time had changed by like 5 hours. Then i began lucid dreaming, but sadly i woke up after about 30 seconds which is a common problem for lucid dreaming.

    I don't really remember that particular dream anymore, but i know before i became lucid i was in my bedroom and everything was dark. Once i became lucid i wanted to change my surroundings but i found it to be a lot more difficult than i figured. But i'm pretty sure i eventually did manage to place myself in a wide open grassy plain that stretched all the way to the horizon, with a nice shady tree nearby and blue skies.

    I kinda stopped the training though, checking the time all the time was really tedious and i would always forget.

    Never had an astral projection though, but i've never really tried.
  14. I carry around an empty bic lighter, occasionally i'll take it out my bag and strike it.

    If I'm dreaming the lighter would ignite, if not it wouldn't.

    once I was dreaming and realized that I needed to check my lighter, I put my hand in my bag and as SOON as I touched the lighter, the WHOLE dream reminded in a second and I woke up instantly
  15. fuck thats a good idea. i literally always have a lighter in my pocket so that would be pretty easy. it's like the top from inception.
  16. Exactly, it was something unique to me(I always carry a black lighter)

    I got the idea from Inception, its a totem basically.

    Told my friend who loves his old razr phone to carry his old non working one around with him in the bag, all he has to do is press a button or open it.

    If the lights on the phone turn on after opening, then hes in a dream lol..

    I really like the bic lighter totem cause its easy to carry and not a hassle, I just keep it in a small pocket in my bag and I'm ready
  17. [quote name='"Meneks"']Exactly, it was something unique to me(I always carry a black lighter)

    I got the idea from Inception, its a totem basically.

    Told my friend who loves his old razr phone to carry his old non working one around with him in the bag, all he has to do is press a button or open it.

    If the lights on the phone turn on after opening, then hes in a dream lol..

    I really like the bic lighter totem cause its easy to carry and not a hassle, I just keep it in a small pocket in my bag and I'm ready[/quote]

    yeah its a great idea. its basically the same in concept as me always checking the time. they behave differently in dreams. there are plenty of lists on websites of ways to determine if you're dreaming, if you like the lighter you should check out some others or try my clock method (well its not MY method). the real key is to do it all the time until it forms a strong habit or else you will never think to check in a dream and your totem or whatever is useless.

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