I bought this a while back. I stopped using it. Anyone know where I can get sell this, i will clean it really good, just scared about the fact that it is slightly used. I bought it for near 200$. But i want to get rid of it for about 130$. Please Help me.
Craigslist on my second grow: 1000W Coco Sour Diesel SCROG http://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1255714-1000W-Coco-Sour-Diesel-SCROG
Fuck combustion forum has vaporizer classifieds but that site is super legit and i think you need to be a verified member to sell but i may be wrong Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Grasscity Forum mobile app
well i wanted something portable and not to plug in.... But other than that its a real nice vape.....When i bought it ...fell in love with attaching it to my bong though
Yup. FC is the absolute best place to put it up for sale if you want to hit a target audience, but posting up a pic and your question here isn't a bad idea either.
I've heard these get rather hot on the outside during use, any issues with that? Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They do after being on for about 20 minutes straight, but for most, it's not too hot to hold. Of course, the LSV hits sooooo hard that for me, I never have it on for longer than 5 minutes at a time.
How hot? Too hot to handle? What's the heat up time from cold to ready to use? Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Grasscity Forum mobile app
yeah the handle doesnt get too too hot...you can still hold it....hopefully you dont leave it on for more than one hour or so......
It doesn't get too hot to hold. I've left it on overnight before cus I got too lifted n forgot lol. Built like a tank, hits like a champ, looks like a dildo.
A comment from someone who obviously has never seen a dildo. "Hey, look at that Volcano over there. Looks like a butt plug." (Actually, that's a closer resemblance. )