Lst training

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Bigtent, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. Do i just train the main stem around the bucket or do I bend other branches like the one that's circled?

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  2. If you don't it will grow vertically and may surpass the other tops.
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  3. top/fim it.
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  4. Good idea!
  5. So I did fim the main one tomorrow well be a week...I'm going to do it again. Am I supposed to fim the other branches with colas to not just the main one?
  6. you're the potter here!
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  7. I'm not sure what that means. If I'm the potter I definitely learned it from y'all and research lol...but do you fim just the main or all?
  8. ive never cut the tops of the other branches but you can.. the main will be fine.. not saying you cant again
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  9. A scrog net can really help with training. Not just for separating the tops, but for tucking stuff as she grows. When it's grown through one hole high enough to reach the next, tuck the tip under the next part. after awhile side growth will help fill vacant holes.
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