Lst question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by thisisfunforme, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. :hello::confused::confused:[​IMG]
    Can i LST to plants like this inside a ruber-maid container?
  2. i dont see why not, it would take a long time to get something that big, but i bet it could be done. they will bend to your desire if you do it when there still soft.
  3. Completely unnecessary, LST really does not have to be so complicated.

    Just tie down the main stalk and allow side branches to grow evenly with the main stalk. Tie side branches if needed to keep the canopy growing evenly. Tying just 3 or 4 branches is plenty the plant will fill out nicely.

    Training around the pot is really more hassle then it worth and can be very stressful to the plant, so therefore defeats the purpose of Low Stress Training.

    The Key to LST is simplicity.

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