LST (Low Stress Training) question...

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by WarInTheHead, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. I read the "how to" on LST. I've never heard of it before. I just wanted to make sure I get this straight...if you follow the guide, and have the plant basically grow horizontal around the container it's planted in, it's supposed to yield more?

    Why is this? Is it just because you have the light above the plant, and with it horizontal the light hits the plant more?

    Can you do this with any pot plant?

    Thanks for any responses!
  2. better light distrabution, more side branching, and bud sites will grow up from the canopy, so popcorn buds before will become alittle larger helping you yeild more on each budsite.
  3. What Cork said. It also allows the plant to grow to full potential in a low clearance space...Like inside a growbox.

    Kind of like making a topiary. Gently train your plant to fit the space you want it to grow in.

    This picture is only 1/3 of the original plant. It popped male flowers and I wanted to mature some seeds to keep the strain going in case I lost my clones. I cut 2/3 (1.78 oz.) and left the rest to make seed. I only got three seeds from this hermi but 1 of them just sprouted.
    The implements of training you use are almost limitless. Anything that won't cut into the stem when you pull on it will work. I would not use monofiliment fishing line. I usually use ponytail rubbers and paper clips but the satellite guy left a half roll of 10 gauge ground wire so I've been making hooks out of that. You should be able to see some of the tie-downs in the picture.


    Hope it helps LST is a very good technique (IMO) to grow fat buds.
  4. hey old school.... nice explaination man....

    more bud sites= more bud

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