LST and giant leaves?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mikotheawesome, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. #1 mikotheawesome, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Okay, so I've always known I wanted to LST my plants for maximum yield since I'm not running a setup that's gonna result in a huge harvest. About two days ago I bent my plant and hooked it using a piece of hanger shaped into a hook. I was VERY careful about the whole process because I have already lost one of my two plants and I'm scared to screw up and lose this one, too.

    For the first day or two it was fine, light getting into the inner parts of the plant and all that jazz. Now that it's starting to grow back up toward the light though, the leaves on the top of the plant are getting HUGE and blocking all the light to the inside anyways!

    Tips/advice? I have no clue if I did something wrong or what. First pic is the plant from the top, in the second you can see the stem and whatnot.

  2. LST it again, even individual leaves if you have to. too? no yea its to. Just lst'd my blue mammoth if you wanted to see how i did it. Sometimes you can be too gentle with the plants.
  3. I agree, LST done thoroughly is a continuous process, as the plant grows longer and turns up to the light you then have more to tie down. And yes pull back individual leaves if they are blocking light to the interior (but don't cut them off).
  4. I am worried that I may have made a big mistake in not transplanting to my final size of pot before beginning to LST. I just transplanted my plant about a week or so ago, so I wanted to leave it alone and see how it adjusted. I didn't think starting LST would be a problem because, obviously, it's LOW stress training. There's no way I'm topping my plant...not on my first grow that's going semi-successful.

    But now I'm thinking I should I have transplanted to a bigger pot first. What do you guys think? I don't really believe in letting the root mass fill each pot completely, so should I have just moved to a 3-gallon pot to begin with?

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