
Discussion in 'General' started by -/-/eEd, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. Well im getting some LSA at about 12 tonight going to trip balls. For those of you that dont know LSA is natural equvilant to acid anyone ever tried this let me know!
  2. are you sure you dont mean lsd? i aint neva heard of lsa
  3. Moving to general...
  4. nope LSA check it out on erowid they give a more in depth explanation than i ever could.I just picked it up i got about 50 seeds for free it was the guys 1st batch. Im gunna try it out with a few buddies tommorow night. He said to put 10+ seed in a tablespoon of alcohol and drink the alcohol with the seed in it. The worst he said it could do is nausea or vomiting and he said you trip for about 2 hours.
  5. By LSA do u mean morning glory seeds or hawaian baby woodrose?

    Ive tried both, only got effects from the morning golry ones, but then again I ate like 10 hawaian ones compared to around 150 morning glories.

    Since nothing happened off the 10, Ill tell you about the morning glories.

    After I ate them, my stomach felt kind of shitty. It kept gettin worse and worse and then I dry heaved. You know, where you puke but nothin comes out. Well, after that was over with, I felt soooo much better. Stomach was fine, and I was trippin. I dont think I took enough for a full blown trip, but I was definetly high. My pupils were fuckin huge, covered almost my whole eye. My thought process was completely different, kind of like being on shrooms, but somehow different. It was good, Ill probably do it again.

    And by the way, it lasts a hell of a lot longer than 2 hours. I dont remember the exact time I took mine, I think it was something like 5 or 6pm, and I was still feeling it a bit when I went to sleep at like 1am.
  6. i tried it once, some guy spent 20 minutes trying to sell me some, and i ended up selling him a dime bag and he left the LSA in my room! he was telling me all this great stuff about it, he said to just miz it with water. it was an alright trip, wouldnt mind trying it again to get a better trip maybe. i dont know anything about seeds though, this stuff was a powder. a beige kinda color to it.

  7. im guessing those were just seeds that went through a coffee grinder. i did the same thing with the water and it tasted like complete shit and i didnt trip at all
  8. sucks my buddies and I were trying to get some acid tonight but no one could come through, so I just ate about 4 grams of shrooms... mm I feel good right now :D
  9. LSA is quite different from LSD (although molecularly similar). I've had it before. Don't get me wrong it's not bad, but compared to LSD it's pretty weak.

    But hell, you got it for free so enjoy ;).

    Now if only I could synthesize LSD from LSA... :p.
  10. meh either way im not trying either LSD or LSA its all bout the weed for me i might try some shrooms sometime though

  11. haha u could, LSD is made from LSA...... but it aint quite that easy.

    LSD- Lysergic acid DIETHYLamide

    LSA- Lysergic acid amide

    only difference is the diethyl part, haha to bad it aint as easy as jus addin diethyl ether to lsa and it'd convert, cuz i'd be one trippin mufahsa
  12. There are severel extraction processes on for extracting freebased lsa from woodrose seeds/morning glory seeds.

    I have a few woodrose seeds--my friends GF reports having mad visuals off of only 5--
    I tried 4 and I had a major ass body high--I felt pretty fucked up--and the stuff comes in waves to--like every 20 min youll get hit by the stuff and then 20 min later the feelings gone and this goes on for all night.

    I'm really looking foward to trying 7-8 seeds--these seeds are really strong shit--

    I dunno about hallucenations off of them though--my friends GF reports visuals--but I want to experiance it myself.

    Next time I get these I'm probally going to try the lsa extraction.


  13. I'm well aware it's possible, but I know I couldn't do it =P.

    I've read ways to synthesize LSD, meth, and MDMA, I just don't have the kind of money for all the equipement involved =/.
  14. haha sorry bout that, i figured out that u knew after i re read it but jus decided to not edit it, cuz who knows maybe somebody didnt know that and now they do.

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