LSA / Morning Glory

Discussion in 'General' started by TheRadical, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. #1 TheRadical, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2009
    A friend of mine is getting an order or seeds within the coming months and I've been interested in trying them. I've done the Erowid and the google stuff but I wanted to know if anyone had any other info, stories, cautions, or anything else related to LSA that would be useful for a first-timer. FYI I've had my fair share of Psychedelic adventures, although I wouldn't go as far as to say a self-proclaimed Psychonaut, I'm pretty familiar with LSD and shrooms.

    From what I gather, LSA is somewhat comparible to LSD however it is weaker (Erowid estimates anywhere from 1/10 to 1/30 the dosage) and gives much more sedative effects (the US gov. has it classified as a depressant.)

    Any and all info is greatly appreciated! :wave:
  2. LSA is a natural, less-potent chemical closely related to LSD. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds contain more LSA than Morning Glory seeds do. 1 HBWR seed contains 0.25mgs of LSA and 1 MG seed contains 0.01mgs of LSA.

    I ordered some HBWR seeds on Sunday so they should be coming any day now. From what Ive read on Erowid, the come up is something like MDMA and the plateau is like a modest shroom/acid trip.

    As you probably already know, both MG and HBWR seeds are known to cause nausea when ingested so I suggest you take it sublingually (under your tongue). This method of ingestion is just as (if not, more) effective as (than) oral ingestion.
  3. Thank you! How would I go about preparing the seeds for to take them under my tongue? Can they be dissolved into solution?
  4. My pleasure.:)
    Actually, all you have to do is crush them and they are good to go under the tongue.;)

    You just want to keep them there for at least 30 to 45 minutes or until you are feeling the effects.

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