LOWRYDER: What's the deal??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by tonzeejee, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. I copied this from the web:

    Indoors, Lowryder completely eliminates the need to induce flowering by
    reduction of day-light hours; indeed, it eliminates the need for a timer,
    period. Yes, it will grow consistently well and finish under 24 hours of
    light, from sprouting to harvest, in eight weeks. You can achieve similar
    results with 18 or 12 hours of light per day, if you like to give your room
    time to cool down, for example - 18 hours straight through until harvest is
    recommended. The point is, with Lowryder, there is no need for a change in
    the light period to induce flowering, nor is it necessary to have separate
    vegetative and flowering rooms.

    Is this some sort of chemical-induced strain mutation???
  2. No, no mutation. It gets its short appearance from the idicas that it was bred from. also the reason it flowers from seed is because also in the parental mix is a mexican ruderalis. It's an autoflowering strain which relies on age rather than light cycle to flower hence why it can go from seed to harvest in around 60 days. If you ask me though I'd just get some better seed, veg for a week or so and put into flower. It just doesnt seem like it has the power or flavor of many more economical strains, just my 2 pennies though. Good luck.
  3. There is a lowryder 2 BTW.

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