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Lowryder #2 sprouts are unhappy

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by eyeslikedonuts, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. 'Sup guys :wave:. Over the past 5 days my sprouts have developed a discoloration that went from light bluish to purplish around the egdes and has spread to the margins between veins. Even new growth has the color and the edges are curling up on 2 sprouts. In the last 2 days, the cotyledons have been turning yellow, which prompts me to thinkTemps are 70-78 when lights are on and 66-70 with them off. Humidity is 50% +/-. Watering them every 4 to 5 days with pH adjusted tap water, thats sat for 24 hours, and has a pH of 6.4. I was using superthrive and H2O2, when i watered, but i was told that it was too strong for them so i flushed the soil and have only given water since then. The soil is hyponex, which has no nutes. I put alot of vermiculite and perlite in the mix, for water retention and drainage and also to fluff the soil up a lit'l. Hyponex tends to mud after a few waterings. My intake is passive and I draw air from my bedroom and exhaust it into "attic". I leave my bedroom window open most of the day so I can provide fresh air/CO2 to my closet. Light schedule is 20/4. thats all the info of my grow i can I think is relievant. If more info is needed, please feel free to ask away. Here's 2 pics of each sprout and a group shot. Hope they're enough to help diagnose this situation.

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    Thanks for input and suggestions. peace, e :bongin:
  2. re-up the pics they arent showing
  3. we talked about this already, those seedlings need no help from except water, superthrive was too much and the soil may infact be too hot for them because it DOES
    contain nutes , organic yes, but it contains nutes

    since things are getting worse....get fresh soil in new pots and flush the soil to leech out as much nutes as you can, before you transplant, let the soil dryout a day or so then transplant.

    water only for the next 3 weeks

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