Lowering my PH with vinegar?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ToolMan1026, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. I don't have a PH testing kit and my plants been doing pretty good but I've read from the water report that my water is usually 6.9 to 8.0 which is too soft and probably falls somewhere in the middle. So if I were to take a gallon of water how many drops would bring me to 6.0-6.5 from 7.5-8.0 If ANYONE could test this or even already know that would be great. It's 5% acidity distilled vinegar
  2. i would also like to know about this..
  3. I tested it for you because i just ran out of ph down my self. I started at 8.0 ph and it took 2ml of vinegar per gal to go to 6.0 used the same vinegar as you 5% acidity. good luck
  4. I looovvve yououuuuuuu
  5. I Ummmm Loo:bolt:lol JK no prob dude

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