Lower my tolerance

Discussion in 'General' started by BrbNeed2Fap, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Alright so Ive been a pretty regular smoker for 5-6 months doing it at least 2-3 times a day. Over the past 2 months or so my highs have gotton pretty shit and arnt even that good no matter how good the weed is or how much i smoke. Does anyone know a fast way or how long ill have to wait to get my old highs back? Im talking total ballsack tripping.
  2. Plenty of Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water every day, and drink plenty of tea. The basic idea is to flush your system. You'll notice a big difference after a week, a huge difference after two, and a lasting difference any longer than that.
  3. Thanks man. I'll give it a try.
  4. op has the greatest username ever
  5. Here's how I clean up I take a week from smoking and everyday I sit in a sauna fer about 30 minutes at a time usually 2 or three times... In between sauna sessions I swim for about 15 minutes or so... I also consume lots and lots of water and cranberry juice....i usually do this once every two months

  6. I don't have a sauna but i have a sweat jacket and a 4 mile neighborhood so it will have to do lol
  7. Nice... I just go to my local rec center for the sauna and to swim... When I was in high school I had a few buddies who wrestled and wore those sweat suits or sometimes trash bags they just tied the bags off at the wrist, ankles and waist... Theyd run about a mile and loose anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs in one run... But if ya do that be careful I'm pretty sure it can kill you if you go to long in one of those lol

  8. What first poster said also get some omega-3 in your system. Take fish oil vitamins daily.
  9. Just curious cus I'm still some what of a newb... But How exactly does the fish oil help

  10. Wow... Sweet thnx tons looks like I'll be adding that to my list of daily activities :eek: yea buddy


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