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Low Tolerance

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SuburbanDankies, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Anyone else have a low tolerance? Like you can make a joint last 3 toke sessions for yourself?
    Don't get me wrong, I love blazing a ton with my buds, but i can always appreciate a nice stone off a half a bowl of headies :smoke: i know there are others out there, for those of us misunderstood lightweights, where you guys at!?
  2. i just smoked 3 medium sized bong bowls to myself out of a 1 foot bubbler.. 15 mins ago... not even that baked...

    Edit: ive already blazed a few bowls today so it affects the tolerance.. if that was my 1st session of the day id be cheeched
  3. yeahh i know! ive been smoking all day since 09:30, its 20:13 and ive smoked like 5 bowls yeah i love my low tolerance ( ive been smoking for like 8 months ):smoke::D

  4. thats the worst dude, the first blaze of the day is always best.

    motherfucker, you get me
  5. If I don't smoke for a week I can get ripped off of .1 or so.
    Gotta love it.
  6. yea i can smoke a bowl of decent whatever and be high for 3 hours haha.

    its nice!

    (been tokin for 2 years)
  7. Been smoking for 2 years and I still have a low tolerance. I think its a plus :D
  8. I don't even smoke much, and I'm pretty skinny too. I can get blazed from the shittiest weed too. Three apple pipe bowls of just regular stuff got me super blazed.
  9. With really good dank I have gotten high off less than a hit. (cleared the bong for someone) I never save my joint though so once it's lit, i finish it.
  10. nah man i got a pretty good tolerance i would deff smoke the whole j :smoke:
  11. Damn I don't think I could ever last a week without bud. Not being able to sleep is a bitch. It's hard enough going 2-3 days without it like I am now. As a result I have a very high tolerance -- only smoking gets me high, and unless I smoke an entire bowl, the effects only last 30 minutes.

    Insomnia sucks.

  12. ever use edibles?

  13. damn, i thought i was a lightweight. your lucky.
    over the summer i burned like 3 times a day, and i usually needed at least fat bowl of headies (usually lemon or strawberry kush, occasionally blue dream) to get me stoned, but nowadays its just a few times a week so i usually take like .25 or so, and get pretty high for a few hours
  14. Yup. Split a very potent brownie once with my cousin. He got stoned as fuck, I felt nothing. Vaping has no effect on me either.
  15. Don't split your brownie next time :rolleyes:
  16. It was his brownie.

    I tried making firecrackers multiple times as well, using all the most talked about recipes on GC. Those never worked for me either. I think I'm immune to all forms of getting high that don't involve smoking.

  17. that sucks dude, whats the longest tolerance break youve taken, when, and what happened after?
  18. Low tolerance, so economical. 1 toke, I'm done.
  19. Man I feel you there..haven't smoked in two weeks and I can't sleep until like 8am lmao..
    Hence me being up at this time..but as to the tolerance, for some dank I can usually load like .2-.3 into the bong, cash it in one hit and be good for awhile :)
    Other than that my good reg bowls are usually around .4-.5 unfortunately.
    Tolerance is a bitch...
  20. i dont have a low tolerance but its not that high. me and my friend smoke his bong which has a bowl that can fit 1.5 grams ground up into it. we smoke one of those bowls and im pretty high for 2-3 hours.

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