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Low dose brownies/edibles

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Grass&Glass420, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. I have never had an edible high, which i regret as i have heard that the high lasts longer and is just different from smoking. Anyway my question is can you make low dose brownies that get you not too high but the high also lasts a long time? I just want a long lasting high that is light so i can get through all my joke second semester senior classes and not be blazed so im not paranoid or anything. I also wont smell or anything and it would just be so convinient.
  2. I really would recommend you get something you KNOW will get you high, because low dose edibles that don't quite cut it are some of the most disappointing things ever... It's like you think you're getting blazed, and then all of a sudden it fades away.

    What I would recommend is mix it up a bit.. try different amounts of bud in the edibles until you find an amount that keeps you blazed without being stupid. That's a pretty delicate balance right there, unless your tolerance is up a bit.

  3. Thats exactly what i was planning. Basically i just want a long lasting nice high. (like equivalent to a few hits of dank)

  4. but for longer lasting of course
  5. just use firecrackers. put like .3 in them and eat 2. you'll be fucked for hours.

  6. Thats the thing, i dont want to be fucked in school. Is it possible to be just buzzed for hours

  7. I think that if you're just looking for a cool buzz, that edibles might not work, because like I said most of the time when they don't fully get you, edibles just fade away and you won't even notice. I would recommend getting your tolerance up just enough so you can keep your shit straight while high at school.
  8. alright yeah that makes sense.
    i just need to try edibles first period haha

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