Low cost double chamber bong. (pics)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by gigglesmits, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 gigglesmits, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    Click for full size

    Bic pen and small socket
    Click for full size

    Downstem from hookah:
    Click for full size

    Mouth goes on this bottle:
    Click for full size

    This lid flips and acts as the carb; when you want to clear it you flip the lid.
    Click for full size

    You hold it with the bowl pointed away from you, the cap to the bottle closest to you will be off. Your mouth goes on the bottle closest to you, the blue flip cap on the bottle pointed away from you is closed. It works like a giant hitter, torch up the bowl, pull hard, both bottles fill up with thick smoke plus it is going in your lungs because of the amount. When you are ready to clear it you flip the blue lid up and pull hard. OR if you can't clear it right away, just keep the blue cap closed and cover the other bottle with your hand. smoke will keep for hours, maybe even days, but I don't recommend waiting that long haha. Put both caps back on for storage and there will be absolutely no smell.
  2. Low cost for your pocket
    high cost for you health
  3. yeah. my advice is either change it or chuck it. i wouldn't mind using it if you had a real glass bowl but a bic pen and socket? i think ill pass. homemade pieces can be sick if done right. seriously man not to be a dick but why not just get a cheap bowl or something? a least do yourself a favor and spend the 1.25 on a pack of zig zags.
  4. You can't be serious.
  5. Looks good. And provided that socket is clean, that's a good smoking device there. The only health concern would be that you're smoking, and smoking simply isn't good for you. But otherwise you're fine with that. Hope it hits nice.
  6. Have fun inhaling that..
  7. whys everyone sayin shit about inhaling?..the weed is in a metal socket..hes burning nothing harmful..just weed and metal..and last time i checked lighters cant burn metal..great piece man..i might make one of these seem really cool:hello:

    btw hows it hit?
  8. #9 gigglesmits, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    I have a glass piece as well. This was just something fun to make while I was bored. It hits nicely and the socket is brand new never used.
  9. did you even read the post? or jus wook at the pictuwes??? hahaha


    Bic pen and small socket with packing tape and hot glue to hold it together:

    oh yeah sounds fuckin wonderful
  10. I'm not burning the tape and hot glue though. Tape and hot glue are just what hold the whole thing together. The only thing that actually gets burned/hot is the socket itself. Like I said this isn't my main piece, I have a glass pipe, this was just something i made when I was bored one day.
  11. Dude that shit will kill you.

    hot smoke and lots of plastic is not a great combo. I mean if it's like last resort I guess it's okay, but not for like your main piece.
  12. I have only smoked out of it a few times. No it is not my main piece. Like I said it was just for fun.

    In my own defense here though the plastic doesn't even get close enough to the flame to burn. Like I said previously the only part that even gets hot at all is the socket. The heat from the smoke alone is not enough to melt any of the plastic so the way I see it, it's no worse than sucking in air through the pen.

    Just because a piece is made out of plastic and tape doesn't mean that plastic and tape are going to be burning while smoking it.

    The way I see it it's completely safe.

  13. Oh yeah and all of plastic used for both chambers and the downstem is non-existent... I question your mental capabilities.
  14. There was a lot of plastic used to make it, but none of that plastic burns or even gets hot. If you know of another way the plastic could be dangerous without getting hot/burnt let me know, I'd like to know about it.

    tokinbud420: It hits very nicely, very cool and smooth.
  15. that socket would definitely heat up enough to melt the plastic of the pen it's in. I suggest putting the socket bowl in something that won't melt, like a larger socket, and put THAT socket onto a pen. cool to smoke out of in a pinch.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion, maybe I'll do that. This thing usually just sits around, but serves as an extra piece if needed.

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