
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Digit, Apr 30, 2003.

  1. you're not kidding!


    digit: nice you like my analazysis of the phenomen!
  2. That is the perfect way to describe it-love being a drug. To me when I first fall in love with someone-that feeling of euphoria is stronger and more pleasurable than any drug in my opinion. I guess I haven't tried alot of the drugs but still if I had I don't think they would compare.

    I am still in love with the person I wrote about earlier and it is so hard to not see him or even talk to him or anything. So I am for sure going through withdrawals. The only light at the end of the tunnel is if he will still feels the same way when we can be together in a year(hopefully less). That is what keeps me going.
  3. sorry to bring something that so often gets labelled as cold to a topic that could easily be proclaimed as warm.

    love, or at least the perception of "love", is logical. its what managed to bring us here... its what stops the terminally ilogical from gettin up in the middle of the night and killing all our family... its what brings strangers together so that they may not be so strange.

    however. despite the logic of the existance of love, the drug itself makes us act in otherways completely ilogocal ways. This is something for me that i find most troubling. why? because logic is the primary guiding force in my life. others seem to manage to control themselves better than i, and also when in the precense of great love. if i loose my logic due to an excess of the love drug, i loose my ability to function. to think. to make decisions and judgements.

    love is ilogical.

    and additionally...

    a good friend of mine (arguably far more intelligent than I) once proposed the theory that there is no such thing as Love, only Lust.
  4. ah yes, when in love we behave very irrational indeed. we do the most stupid things. it makes my skin crawl when i think about it. on the other hand it's fun, fun, fun!!

    and you cannot reduce love to lust. parents love their children, they do not lust them (except for some sicko's naturally). i love my family, eventho' it's quite an ordeal at times. come to think of it, i haven't spoken with anyone in my family for almost half a year. but that's me beeing lazy.

    however lust is often the beginning of a love affair when boy meets girl / girl meets girl / boy meets boy. (i covered all the bases there, didn't i?)

    i wanna fall in love again, it's been a while. i'm turning into a cold cynic in all my singleness :)
  5. I think you missed boy meets sheep but that's baaaad enough to need another thread

  6. yeah, im pretty sure thats what my friend meant when he said such a thing.... at least i hope it is. ;p

    its a shame we use a language where there is only one word for "love". if i remember correctly (which i doubt i do) some scandinavian country has 4 words for it.
  7. love is a double-edged sword. when it cuts you enough times though the blade will dull. peace.
  8. digit: let's see, four words for love in scandinavian. not quite true. but we do have two that i know of in norwegian at least. of course, they can be written in many varying ways depending on the grammar of the sentence it's used in.

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