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Love the aunt?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by N1CKL337, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. So during this past vacation my aunt came out to visit the family. She lives in San Francisco and is a police officer there. So pretty insignificant but just amusing, to me at least.

    So I'm playing some call of duty after coming home a little h'd and after about a half hour my aunt comes downstairs. She says she's going to bed and wants to say goodnight but watches me play call of duty for a while because she is grossly intruiged by how graphic the violence is. Next thing you know she realizes my clantag is weed and asks me why and what that means. Obviously I stammer and just say it's the clan, being very vague. She answers with tellng me about how I shouldn't ever drive while high or drunk because it's not safe. At first I'm ashamed because of this but then I realze what my police officer aun is saying. Don't drive high, not dont get high. For thAt little spiel I love the auntin so any stories about relatives or anything not outright condoning but realizes it's not bad? Real bad post sorry hah

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