Louis C.K.

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by TABOR, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Is one of the funniest people alive today...seen all his stuff but today started looking on youtube and found some humorous videos. And his drunken tweet about sarah palin is hilarious.


    Sarah palin tweet: Louis C.K. Continues to Go Off on Palin from FOD Team and Louis CK

    If your too lazy to click that...

    "I wrote mean things about Sarah Palin on Twitter. And not because I'm political. But because it's fun. I do think she's Hitler. But that's not why I do it. I do it because it's fun. But I let myself have fun at her expense, because she's Hitler. Her being Hitler allows me in my head to say mean things about her, but that's not the reason. The reason is because it's just fun. Because she's just an amazing, beautiful perfect villain. She's just crystalline. She says things that are at perfect right angles to truth and reason, and that blows me away. It's poetry when that woman speaks. And I'm sexually attracted to her boobs. She's sexually attractive, to me. But I do think she's terribly dangerous, and I do think she could really Hitler up the place. And by the way, once, I wrote on Twitter that she's the new Hitler, and I got this immediate -- like, immediate -- email on the same device, from somebody that I kinda, whatever, I don't want to say who, who said, 'You gotta take that down. You can't compare a person in the public eye to someone who killed six million Jews.' And I said, 'Well, I'm not saying that she's that Hitler. She's the early Hitler, when he was building power. I don't know how many Jews he was going to kill. But I know that she's building power the same way. Hitler was voted into office through this weird, like he took a bunch of seats, and he got this party going, and he just started intimidating people, and that's exactly what she's doing. Again. I don't care. I'm not political, but why not? **** it. If Hitler was running, I'd say 'Hey, ****ing losers, suck my ****, Hitler!' And I wouldn't feel like, oh, that's not that nice. **** 'em. He's Hitler."
  2. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzbURUrgQao]YouTube - Louis CK - Suck a Bag of Dicks[/ame]
  3. Another :smoke:

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u2ZsoYWwJA]YouTube - Louis C.K. "Why?"[/ame]

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