Lotus Glass

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by SmilingSound, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I started smoking again after two years of a break. I would like to get me a new glass piece I have a spoon but it hits to hard for me. I would like to get a bubbler I found lotus glass I was wondering are the legit? Seems most of the places that sell bubblers are not to good. Has any one dealt with them before and was it positive or not? Thanks
  2. I dont know if we are talking about the same lotus pieces, but my buddies was fully worked in millis, fumed, and 6mm all around. 18'' tube, beaker bottom. If the glass looks quality, and it is lotus, then yet i would say they are great. he's had his piece for about 2 years now.
  3. very legit, when I ordered there was a bit of a wait (1 month) till it got to my door, but all of my emails were responded to by the next day. im pretty sure there is just one guy blowing, forgot his name but he puts out top notch glass.

    be sure you tell him what you want as far as colors or changes you'd like made to the piece. the pics on the site are examples so you wont get the one pictured.

    here's the bell I got off the site.:smoking:
  4. That bell is sick as FUCK
  5. Wow dude that is really sick! where does this guy sell his glass? I wanna take a look
  6. just google lotus glassworks

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