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Lots of kief but no bud..

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by kouchlockOG, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. I have a good amount of kief but nothing to put it on an theres a small hole in my screen so I cant just smoke the kief by itself. Any suggestions?
  2. smoke cigs? ash in the bowl a lil and put over that
  3. put a lil kief in there then throw some kief on it
  4. Empty cigarette. Mix kief and tobacco. Roll joint with tobacco/kief. Smoke said joint. Get baked. :bongin:
  5. Yea if you fuck with tobacco then you could mix it with that, or maybe make edibles if you can
  6. Smoke something even tobacco, and use the ash left as a bed for the kief
  7. I would take a cigarette and unroll like a quarter or half of it, and stuff it down with a pencil or some pokey tool. The keif will burn very very quickly so make sure you take those first initial drags wisely. 
  8. Fold a piece of paper in half. Pour some kief in the fold and press it together with a lot of force. This should get you a nice little chunk to throw in the bottom of the bowl so it all doesn't get sucked through.
  9. Sprinkle small amount of bud for a bed for the dust MARY JANE HEALS YOUR BRAIN FROM STRAIN
  10. tear a piece of rolling paper and use it to cover the hole
  11. [quote name="J4MO187" post="19462906" timestamp="1391506802"]Sprinkle small amount of bud for a bed for the dust MARY JANE HEALS YOUR BRAIN FROM STRAIN[/quote]Sorry bro I didnt read that u have no bud MARY JANE HEALS YOUR BRAIN FROM STRAIN
  12. Use a small piece of raw rolling paper to plug the hole and pile kief on top
  13. [quote name="eyec0n" post="19462533" timestamp="1391496069"]Fold a piece of paper in half. Pour some kief in the fold and press it together with a lot of force. This should get you a nice little chunk to throw in the bottom of the bowl so it all doesn't get sucked through.[/quote] this seems like your best optionSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  14. press the keif into hash with ur fingers. and put a little ball to fill up the hole in ur screen. nd then just pack a keif bowl
  15. Easiest (and crudest) way is to tilt the bowl so the keef dont fall thru and toke really light
    It's better to toke light with keef anyway cuz it so combustible
    yeah probably this.
    or knife hits, vape your kief :hippie:
  17. Empty a cig and use the tobacco as a filler. If nothing else just empty a teabag and mix the contents with your keif ive done this before and its actually not that bad especially if its a flavored tea you can deffs taste it in the smoke

    By any means necessary
  18. This is why I always leave like .2g of bud in my grinder. To throw kief on lol. Also if you can find stems you may be able to break those up and use them

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