i got a bill probably 110 before i go out today, i came up on an acid connection, and i could either get a quarter, or more if i throw down with a friend on a half, or i can get 100 dollars worth of acid, i'm not sure how much i can get from this guy for that though but i'll settle for 30+ thing about acid hits can go for 20 yes 20 fucking dollars a hit...so who knows what i'l do with that
Ive never done acid. But I would DEFINITLY get the 30 hits. Just stock up for a while. Acid stays good for a while right? Should be alot cheaper in that kind of bulk too.
this poll need not go on, sure not too many votes but i'm goin' with the acid, i'm told i can get it 100% but chances are it's gonna fall through, let's hope not..
I voted acid, because trippin is always fun. Why dont you just get some dank buds and some shrooms. Best combo ever
I can always get bud but I havent been able to find any acid. I would have gone with the acid but if the weed you got is pretty dank I would be happy with that too.
If you have a solid connection for cid then its not as big of a deal. If you don't, is it even a question?
Lust..guy above this post, just made something real clear to me...i do have a solid connect but only larger amounts like 10-15...so i'm not even pissed i went with the quarter...it'll be a little more pricey but people will just "take" it out of my pockets and leave 20 dollars