Lost weed? NOPE!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by shunwow, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hey blades, dont post often but I might start becoming active :p

    So a few days ago my buddy came over and woke me up so we can go blaze somewhere. We go to our dealers, get the weed, it was nice outside, everything was going great. So after we got the weed, we think damn, lets smoke somewhere new and chill because the place we always go to had cops who showed up last time, and its just getting old.

    So we grab our bikes, and start riding in the opposite direction of where we live. After riding for about 20-30 mins we come across a playground near a school, with trees the the left and the backs of houses to the right. Nobody around, away from the road, etc. We decided to smoke there, because cmon, we had weed that had to be smoked.

    So we stop, get off our bikes, and proceed the the playground. I started talking about some awesome parkour I was gonna do on the playground, when my friend says "um... wheres the weed".

    He ended up searching every crevice in his clothing, and couldn't find it. This sucked, because we rode our bikes along the cities main road, and through some trail, so the weed could be ANYWHERE by now (assuming he dropped it somewhere).

    We rode our bikes back as fast as we could, looking all along the ground on the way. Eventually, we end up about a block away from our dealers house (and an intersection that's always busy and constantly filled with cars). We're about to cross the road, but the light turns red. So we sit there and wait for the light, but a few seconds into the wait my friend randomly jumps off his bike and goes running down the road. I look over to the direction he was running to, and see him bend down to pick up something.

    IT WAS OUR WEED! It was in a sandwich baggie, completely open. I still have no clue how the weed didnt fly out of the bag (like I said, busy intersection). What's even more mind fucking, is that the only reason our weed didnt fly down the intersection, was because the baggie landed in a puddle. And even more mind fucking, it was sitting right beside a sewer drain type thing. The sewer looked like this.

    So after we found it, we rode all the way back to the playground and blazed. :)


    TL: DR___ lost weed, ended up finding it sitting in a baggie beside one of these on a busy intersection
  2. wow. I bet you guys were beyond happy.
    if karma is real, you have it goooood lmfao.
  3. great successes!.haha I rember my friend dropped a half and we retraced our path and found it. awesome feeling
  4. ahaha thats what happened to my friend, he lost his weed then 2 days later we're biking down this street and hes on the sidewalk and he yells MY WEED!! and there was a couple walking their dog about 20 feet behind him who wouldve found it if he didnt first hahaha
  5. I bought an oz and was walking home in the rain with my friend one night. By the time we arrived to my house we realized I had dropped it or the wind had blown it out of my pocket or something. So we retraced our steps during the storm, by that time it had started to snow pretty hard, so it was getting pretty hard to look. Finally as my friend was giving up and walking back to my house, I look to my right and see the ounce stuck in the sewage drain about to get washed down. I was very grateful to find it :D
  6. fuck you buddy(joking). i was rolling a blunt in my on my stairs outside(3 floor apt complex). I had my sack in my lap as i was rolling. Wind blows my sack away and my natural reaction is to point my palms upward and say what the fuck while shrugging my shoulders thus wasting the weed in the blunt. i go to find it and its in the mouth of a goddamn german shep.
  7. Reminds me of the time I was smoking with friend outside my house. We were all smoking on this rock, and we saw a cop in the distance (like far distance, we were separated by a man made lake, haha) but he shined his light on us and we fucking ran so fast. Again he was so far away, but we were high, and only like 16..it was scary. Well we left the bud sitting in the bag on the rock, woke up after like 12 hours, and wanted to smoke. Fucking stash was gone, after 30 minutes we figured it out, fucking people doing the lawn outside and nobody noticed the bad of weed on the rock...I just walked over, picked the weed up, and that was it. Fucking lucky though, almost a quarter in the bag.

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