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Lost Original Document

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by illadelphin, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. sooo.... i think my roommate mistakingly threw out my OD. im not 100% sure, i havent looked in all the other possible areas (my car) yet, but im pretty sure ive never taken it out of my room. can i go to the place i got my rec, with my photocopied OD (the one they gave me) and have them redo it? or will i have to repay....
  2. It is unlikely that they will make you pay the full amount again- since they want you back as a customer, they will likely give it to you free. After all, when you come down to it, it is just a piece of paper!
  3. Where'd you go to get your rec?
  4. Green medicals, 104th/I25. I hope they don't charge me that'd suck..
  5. Why don't you call and ask them, instead of us? We don't know, they do. Problem solved.

  6. lol i been there. im sure those guys will give it back free of charge
  7. Yeah, I wouldn't guess that they would charge, because you got yours pretty recently right?
  8. i was in class, stoned, trippin out over the situation...:smoking:
  9. Ah, yeah, that would explain it. i'm sure they'd give you another copy free. I believe they have to, as it along with all other medical records are technically your property. It's just a piece of paper, after all.
  10. Finding their phone number is becoming a pain in the ass

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